“The conscious mind frequently gets a bad rap. It’s misunderstood. Though much less powerful than the subconscious mind, which too gets a bad rap, it still has an important function. Its prime purpose is to give positive messages to the subconscious mind. It is to think of your definite chief purpose, focus on it and feel good about it so that the subconscious gets the clear message this is your desire.

The subconscious prime directive is to keep you alive and to keep you thriving, fulfilling your purpose using the least effort and energy required to make this happen in accordance with natural law. It isn’t about flying monkeys and magic. It’s about manifesting your positive desires to keep you moving forward and evolving. The subconscious is ONLY a servant that depends on your instructions.

Most people don’t master thinking and feeling positively and optimistic. The instructions you send to the subconscious are either negative and not what you want, or confusing. If you focus on worries and fears, disappointments, complaints, blame and excuses, those thoughts and feelings become your present and future reality as a result. You live what you are already doing. BUT you can change that!


It is BE DO HAVE. Become a positive person by managing your thoughts and feelings to think positive and optimistically. Become a CAN DO person who does what you say you will. Live in gratitude and appreciation. BE IT by managing your thoughts and feelings so you pass positive instructions to the subconscious to make those reality. It’s there to serve you based on the instructions you provide.

Get this? From WHO you are, you will DO what works to make your dreams come true automatically and naturally. You won’t have to struggle or feel conflicted or sacrifice everything because your behaviors arise from the type of positive, optimistic CAN DO person you are. It doesn’t require massive energy or action to fulfill your purpose which you are passionate about. It’s natural.

Because you DO from WHO you are you can have anything you desire. You can create it, make it so, and attract it. It will come to you in normal and natural ways. It will come to you through other people according to the laws of the natural world. It won’t suddenly appear as if you waved a wand, but it may sometimes seem like that. Nothing comes from ‘out of the blue.’ YOU are responsible.


You are responsible for the good and not-so-good you experience. ONCE you fully get this, you’ll start focusing your energies and attention appropriately to eliminate more of what you don’t want and create more of what you do. People bad wrap the subconscious talking about self-sabotage. It can’t and doesn’t do that. YOU sabotage it by failing to give it the correct instructions and then blame it.

Get this. If you send someone a nasty message don’t be surprised if they react hurt or angry. You sent it. They react. You send crappy thoughts about problems to your subconscious; it takes them as instructions to bring you more. It’s a servant that carries out the orders you give it. What you focus on you get!! What you think about, you bring about!! How much clearer must it be to understand?

If you want more good in life. THINK MORE GOOD AND YOU’LL BE MORE GOOD. AS A RESULT YOU’LL DO THE GOOD NECESSARY TO HAVE THE GOOD YOU WANT MOST! Do you get this? I hope so. Here’s some quotes to help you appreciate this process and start doing it correctly. Shoddy practice produces shoddy results. If you want it enough, you’ll work on becoming a positive person.


I like to include quotes from different authors who know what they write and speak. I enjoy presenting other’s voices for reference and further clarity. If you study just to know you will not get very far. It isn’t about having the right information if you don’t apply it. Some people are perpetual students, they can quote all sorts of facts and figures but not live the life they desire. Learn by doing!

Charles Haanel wrote, ‘Eliminate, therefore, any possible tendency to complain of conditions as they have been, or as they are, because it rests with you to change them and make them what you would like them to be. Direct your effort to a realization of the mental resources, always at your command, from which all real and lasting power comes. 

Persist in this practice until you come to a realization of the fact that there can be no failure in the accomplishment of any proper object in life if you but understand your power and persist in your object, because the mind-forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will, in the effort to crystallize thought and desire into actions, events and conditions. …


It can therefore accomplish whatever it is directed to accomplish, and herein lies the power of the conscious mind; the subconscious can and will carry out such plans and ideas as may be suggested to it by the conscious mind … Conscious thought, then, is master of this sun center from which the life and energy of the entire body flows and the quality of the thought which we entertain  (GET THIS!)

determines the quality of the thought which this sun will radiate … and consequently will determine the nature of the experience which will result. When you realize this, you will have found a source of power which will enable you to take care of any situation in life which may develop.’

GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out. Focus on crappy thoughts and feelings and that’s what your subconscious takes as orders to multiple. Focus on good thoughts and feelings and that’s what your subconscious takes as orders to multiple. WHAT you get in your life IS directly tied to the instructions YOU supply to your subconscious. It creates the reality you entertain consciously! Want a different experience? ENTERTAIN different thoughts! Get this!! Understand this and you transform your life. Enough for today. More next time. Celebrate everything.

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“This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms.It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” –  Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist

“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate


©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC