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“What can you do when things are wrong? It isn’t going as you want it to go. You struggle and fret and it seems like all you do is spin your wheels. Your thoughts are negative and you feel worried, anxious or worse. Everything you attempt only seems to make it suck more.

What to do? Take a break! Yes, I know it seems counter intuitive. I know you may have many arguments for not wanting to, how you must do something and if you take a break it will only get worse. Except it already has been getting worse with your involvement.

Take a break! Take a breath. Take a day or two to chill, relax, and do something else. Give your mind some space and your batteries a chance to recharge. Seriously, go somewhere fun. Do something fun. Learn to let go and take your mind off it. It hasn’t helped anyway!

Worry Will Never Change The Outcome – Manage Your Mindset

So far, your efforts and thoughts haven’t been most productive. Take a break. You really have to learn how to divert your attention and replenish your positive energy. In hippie terms you’re vibrating ‘bad’ energy. Your thoughts and actions only contribute to the situation.

Remove them, at least temporarily. Go on a mini vacation. Really go and forget about your problems! Go hiking, swimming, golfing, fishing, camping…  Get away from things for awhile. AND while you are away have fun, relax, let go! Right now breathe in and out.

If you are thinking I can’t do that then that is what you must do. If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. If you are getting stuck in less than glorious yukkiness , doing more of the same won’t get you out. Get it? Do you?

Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You’re Right

Refresh and renew. Give yourself the opportunity to regroup. Reenergize. Reestablish your power. Focus on the positive. Release expectations of how it will work out. Let go. Give it a rest. Just know that it will certainly resolve. Somehow, someday! Take the break!

If it didn’t resolve to your satisfaction while you were away you will return more powerful, positive, optimistic, and refreshed. You will be better suited to handle the situation than from being overwhelmed. Get it?  Take care of yourself, first! Optimize yourself!  Refresh!

Things always do resolve. Good or bad, they will resolve. If it isn’t to your liking you can change it. If they do work out well or better than expected, all the worry won’t have helped. Learn to let go and trust. Know that everything always does work out! This is important.

Talking About Troubles Is Our Greatest Addiction – Talk About Joys

Learning to know and learning to trust that you will always land on your feet is an important mindset and skill to develop. Learning to let go and recharge are important to have as habits. When the shit hits the wall and it is overwhelming take a break, walk away. Recharge.

Return when refreshed and reenergized. You will be more positive and productive. If you are working on maintaining a powerful and positive mindset, at least a little bit each day, you will soon discover the benefits, if you haven’t already. So stay positive. Stay optimistic.

Know you can’t see how things will work out so stop expecting the worst. Read that again! When you expect the worst you create the worst, you reinforce the worst and attract it. Wouldn’t you rather create, attract and reinforce the positive? Read that again! Well?

Troubles Are Guidelines Not Stop Signs – Refresh And Renew

If so, then do what is necessary. Focus on gratitude and your blessings. Pay attention to what is working. Go have some fun. SOME real fun. Uplift and renew yourself. Put your mind on love, life, peace, blessings, delight, and know everything WILL work out. Trust, let go and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control And You Can Master Anything!

I am launching my new program. I designed it specifically to help youalign your mind, your goals and desires, to skyrocket your ability to create what you want. You’ll become happier, healthier and wealthier. You will overcome limitations and blocks to discover true abundance, manifest what you want and create your best life ever! Ask  about Mind Design™  and stay tuned!


‘What’s Stopping You?’You’ll like my gift to you! ‘What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through and make positive things happen!Get it! It is Free!

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