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“The past does not exist. Nor does the future. The only moment that exists is this moment. The here and now is all we have. The past is only a memory. The future is a wish or a dream. Living in the present is the only way to be happy. Living in the future, wanting or worrying, and carrying around the past, refusing to let go, will make you unhappy. The present is all you have. Let go of the past. Let go of hurts and disappointment.

Then you’ll have peace. Right now, THIS moment, where are you? You may be near or far in your thoughts. You may be in the past or the future, but where you are is here and now. Stop reliving the past. Stop reliving unfulfilled dreams. Be here now. Notice, you are here. You are safe. Focus on being here. Stop being distracted by events, circumstances, news, other’s opinions, and chaos. Drop into this moment where there is peace and joy.

Be present. Sometimes it helps to dive into the senses. What are you seeing right now? What are you looking at? What are the shapes, the color, the shades and shadows? What are you hearing? What sounds are here now? What are you aware of? Any scents or tastes? What do you feel? What are you standing or sitting or lying on? Where do you make contact with it? Notice your breathing? Can you feel it? You are alive. Notice it?


Stop reliving the past. Stop projecting the future. Be here now. Notice now. Notice you. The laws of humility and giving and hospitality are moments when you give from your authentic self. You give from this moment. You give to give. You aren’t thinking about future rewards. You are giving to give. You build your future by what you do now. Focus on the now. Be in this moment. You climb the ladder one rung at a time. Focus on each step.

Step by step you will get there. Stop trying to control everything. Allow things to be as they are. The only thing you can do about the past is carry it with you or let it go. The only thing you can do about the future is look forward or fear it OR plan and work your plan. You are where your thoughts have brought you. You will be where your present thoughts take you. Thinking about the past won’t make your future better. Get it?

Learn from the past. Let it go. When Steve Jobs was dying, he said you won’t care about how many cars, or homes you have but how you spent your life and whether you filled it with love. Peace of mind comes from being present. You can’t be present looking backwards or forwards. You are where you are. ‘RIGHT NOW, I AM SAFE. I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED IN THIS MOMENT. I AM HERE. I AM NOW!’  Breathe. Look around. Notice. Listen. Feel. ‘I am here now.’ Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS if you want more help visit rexsikes.com and see my program How To Get People To Do What You Want.

Moe Rock, CEO The Los Angeles Tribune says, “One of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.” 

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@2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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