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“People always want more things. That’s fine. Actually, it’s wonderful. Being, doing and having more is what life is about. The universe is abundant. Desire is natural. What you want actually wants you too. Nothing wrong in wanting more, however…

There are some conditions. The first condition, or step, is to examine what you already have. Look at your body, health, mind and relationships. Look at your home, car, work, clothes and jewelry. Examine all of it and pay attention to how you feel about these.

Are you pleased? Are you happy? Are you grateful for what you already have? Because if you aren’t, you aren’t likely to get more. Oh, yes, of course you may, but most likely not without struggle. If you’re not delighted and feeling good with what you have, more isn’t likely.

The More You Do The More Capable You Become Of Doing More

OR, you get more of what you don’t want. Do you get this? If you want more good things, appreciate the good you already have no matter how much or how little. You can’t expect to feel good if what you think about makes you feel bad. Get it? Appreciate everything.

As you think about what you have and want more of it, be clear about what you want Focus on including things, not on what you don’t want or don’t have. You can’t focus on not having, or the lack of it. You must focus on the good feelings you presently have.

This is why the Bible says, ‘those who have shall have more.’ What you have in your life right now you created! You can create more. That means all the good and not so good, SO focus on the good! Enjoy it. Delight. Feel fantastic. These feelings open the doors.

Want More Good – Celebrate What You Already Created

Because you feel marvelous, you love what you have created, and appreciate it, are proud of it and realize how perfect your creation is, ‘and it was good’ you create more good. Get it? Imagine it as perfect. Love it all. Love your life. As you do you will create more wonderful things to be, do and have. You will make your life more magical through gratitude than through any other way. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes



Available at Amazon world-wide! Get it today. Create your best life!

“As one of the ‘Top 25 Network Marketers in World’ and also a recovering alcoholic with over 30 years sobriety, I am constantly asked to review and read books on personal development either in business or recovery. Most of them are just like the last one I read. Nothing ever seems new or too useful. And then came Life On Your Terms by Rex Sikes. From the first page, I knew this book would be different and better. And the more I read the more right I was. Read this book. It will change your life. Even if your life is great, like mine is today, it will make it even better. I have so many people reading it, from my son to my AA friends to my business associates, because it works for everyone. I LOVE THIS BOOK!” – Tom Chenault, The Tom Chenault Radio Show 


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC




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