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“Make all your moments marvelous, magical, memorable and miraculous! Enjoy today! Consider everything a blessing and everything WILL BE a blessing. Celebrate everything! If you want it to come true, it is up to you! So, make the magic happen.

Start the day by smiling and laughing. Speak a kind word to someone first thing. Make your moments uplifting for yourself and others. Feel the good vibes. Bask in positive thoughts and feelings. Give and receive love. Treat yourself and others with kindness. Delight.

Enter the day with the finest thoughts and feelings. Maintain them during the day and you’ll be so surprised how the day works out wonderfully. Even when ‘those moment’ come by you” move through them with greater ease and resourcefulness.  Rise high.

Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life 

Do this every single day. Commit. Soon it will be habit. You’ll find yourself doing these things naturally and automatically. The better things become the better they’ll continue to become. You will have created momentum. This takes on a life of its own and continues to. Life is good but life becomes grand! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms 

“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto, Int’l Marketing Mentor


Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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