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“Many people think we attract things magically to us. The Law Of Attraction is a wonderful, working law, but most people miss what it is about. Not only that, but people neglect or forget about another powerful law, The Law Of Creation, which has preeminence.

Things don’t just happen. Life doesn’t just happen. It requires participation and action. We make things happen. Inner thoughts and ideas lead to outer actions and results. We are creators. We procreate. To do so we must act in certain ways. That bench didn’t just appear.

If we want a clay pot we have to think one up in our mind and then fashion it with our hands. It does not just happen. Going from horse power to the automobile required thinking it through and acting it through. Then the results had to be sold to the public as well.

Today You Are Where Your Thoughts Yesterday Have Brought You

Autos didn’t just appear. They weren’t attracted to Henry Ford. Because he utilized the Law Of Cause and Effect and The Law of Creation he attracted the means and the people and the events necessarily which were helpful to his developments. Get it? YOU do it.

He didn’t wish it into being. He made it happen and worked it in his mind, thereby attracting the necessary resources. The Laws worked together, but it began with his ideas. You must understand this! Your outer world is a reflection of your inner thinking world. Get it?

Those who are happy and successful know this consciously or unconsciously. While some may feel luck plays a part that is not the sole reason they are where they are or have what they have. They know they made it happen, they created it. They are responsible.

Tomorrow You Will BE Where Your Thoughts Today Take You

If your outer world isn’t to your liking, stop creating that and begin to create what you want instead. The outer world reflects your inner world. It gives you clues to what your thinking is about. Change it! Take charge, make it so. Start thinking about the good in your life.

Find the good and the positive wherever you can. Search for it, if you must. Feel gratitude. Feel if fully for little things and large things. Be happy. Feel joy. Create what you want inside yourself! Remember the Law of Cause and Effect. Put these laws into action. They work!

Concentrate on all the good you can find. Concentrate on who you want to be, what you want to do and have. Stop! Quit focusing on the circumstances you wish weren’t there. Eliminate that negative thinking. Create what you want to create! Surround yourself inside and outside with the good you want in your life. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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