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The Law Of Attraction is really misunderstood. You do attract. More importantly, you create, manifest or you make it happen. Attraction is passive. Creation is active. You make what you want to happen by being the kind of person others, things, and resources attracted to.

To attract and create you use your mind. Your thoughts activate the process. You use your mind power, your mindset, your thoughts to create and make happen what you want. You bring it about by first thinking it into being. Begin with an idea and take it from there!

From idea to blueprint, to assembling resources, to manufacturing, to the end product, to sales and distribution. It’s no different from making a chair from wood, manufacturing a car, or a building. The more certain and positive you are, the more is attracted to you.

You Become What You Think About – Your Thoughts Expand

That’s why you must focus on what you want the result to be. Then take right action steps to get there. Thoughts first, lead to positive ‘I CAN DO’ feelings, lead to how you speak about it and what actions you take to make it happen. You become magnetic.

I repeat, you become magnetic IF your thoughts and feelings are positive and aligned from the start! Get it? If not then you may be wasting your time. This is why it’s important to stay positive, feel good and vibe high. Then, persist no matter what adversity presents.

Continue on through any challenges that arise. Be the person who makes things happen. That IS attractive. When you’re congruent and your thoughts powerful and positive and you feel your best, and vibe high, you attract other vibe high people, events and circumstances!

Like Attracts Like – Birds Of A Feather Flock Together 

When you’re congruent in mind and feeling, in body and soul you align with other like minds. You create a climate of coöperation and resourcefulness. Things work out! On your journey there may be hazards, but you’ll navigate through them. Bring it about! Get your goal. If you are positive, and you stay certain you can and you will do it, and you celebrate all along the way, it happens faster. So, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

I’m here for you!

“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philadelphia, PA

“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx🙏”  Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

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Enroll In Mind Design™  Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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