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“The more you worry about it the more you contribute to it. Please understand this.  It would be better to focus on the good you want to experience than worry about the things you don’t. Take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Start aiming at the positive good for all. Create something wonderful! Here’s a lesson from my life. This is important. I broke my tooth. My tongue wants to explore it obsessively. I’m sure you have experienced this. It’s also true we obsess over many other things.

When I run my tongue over my teeth, I feel the gap, the hole, the area the tooth is missing from. It is sharp and can scrape my tongue a bit painfully. Still, I have all my other teeth that are fine, smooth and work perfectly well. One broken tooth versus the other good ones.

Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!

We need to put an end to the obsession with negative, worrisome and depressing things. Too often, we focus on what isn’t there, what is missing and what is wrong. We obsess over that which is wrong or different instead of all that is right and working well.

We end up creating and attracting more of the same of WHATEVER we focus on so focus on what you do want! In order to hit the bullseye, you must aim at the bullseye. If you miss you can calibrate and adjust and continue until you hit it! BUT You must act!

Get this! If you practice nothing else, learn to shift away from the negative, and what isn’t working, to the positive, the solutions and what IS working. Focus on the good, positive and what is working well. Let go of what isn’t working. Fix it and move on.

Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!

Drop the negativity and focus on the good you can be, do and have. Get this and you will immediately begin to improve yourself and circumstances! Even if circumstances don’t change you will become more resourceful to move through them positively and productively to get the results you do want. Get this. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS For good mental and physical health read Life On Your Terms

PSS “This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)


Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for many more powerful practices and ideas to live happily and successfully. It’s an especially important book during tough times. Read it in advance of difficult times to be prepared or during tough times to know what to do and what not to do to get better results!

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Get it today! Here’s the link:


Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC


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