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“Is life a struggle? How is the career going? Are you happy? Is your relationship fulfilling you? Are you doing what you want to be doing? Is your bank account growing? Are you making your dreams come true? If not, why not?

You say, you wish things were going better. You read this blog, you read all the books but you just can’t seem to make it work. I have a question for you that is critical. There is a big difference between reading and using what you learn when you read.

Are you applying what you know? Many people read. Fewer people do. People read and get information, life changing information, and then do nothing with it. Reading a book about how to ride a bicycle and riding a bike are two completely different things.

You Truly Can Be, Have and Do Anything You Want

You may learn how from books. You might know what to do. Then you must apply it. To know and not to do is to not know. Then you must apply what you know consistently. When and as you do you will discover that it does work and that you can make your dreams come true.

Set yourself from the crowd. Step out from the herd. Apply what you know and have the life most people only dream of. Put into action what you know. Live with purpose. Do what you intend to do and you will find an entirely wonderful world.

For example, you have read about gratitude. Try it! Sincerely try it on. There will be those who complain that they have and didn’t notice much change. I would say they may think they have but they have not.

To Know And Not To Do Is To Not Know

If you don’t understand why I am doubtful, I suggest that you don’t understand the practice of gratitude. See what I mean? There is a reason for my statement.

Do you know why I say, if they complain they have tried it and then maintain it doesn’t work, that they haven’t actually tried it? If not, think on this for a while.

If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. I always wish you the best! Until next time. Celebrate!” Rex Sikes

Make the day grand!


Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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