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“It is the number one reason you remain stuck! It harms you and the people around you. lt keeps you stuck because energy flows where attention goes. Too many people engage in this debilitating behavior. Role models for appropriate behavior are more rare than plentiful.

All of us can do some really incredible things. All of us can do some really bone-headed, not so good things. We are capable of a variety of behaviors. Each of us has good times and problems. What we must not do is let the bad things and problems rule our lives.

We must not let the ‘not so good’ dominate our thoughts, the stories we tell ourselves and others, our self-talk and speech, our feelings or our behaviors for our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions determine the results we get. We make our world good or bad.

Stop Blaming – Excusing – Whining – Complaining – Negativity

We either perpetuate good or we perpetuate the bad. Get it? The worst way we perpetuate the bad is by blaming, excusing, whining and complaining. When we shift the responsibility from ourself to others we remain a victim to the bad we create. We remain stuck.

Never blame others for our own mistakes and our wrong doing. It serves no-one. It does not serve you at all. Realize that you are either a victim or a victor. Either the problem is bigger and stronger than you are or you are bigger and stronger than the problem.

You must decide how you want to live. When you choose to be 100% responsible for EVERYTHING in your life and for what happens to you, whether that is true or not, you step into incredible power and authority. You begin to be the full author of your story.

Power And Authority Comes When You Take 100% Responsibility

You can begin to tell the story you want to tell instead of being a character in a story that happens to and around you. When you realize that others are not to blame for our unhappiness, or responsible for your happiness an incredible inner shift occurs.

The reason you have problems is because you have not taken charge, become a victor, and exercised your authority to create and attract what you want. Instead you put power outside yourself with each blame, excuse and complaint. You give your power away doing that.

Claim your power and your life will change. It matters not whether things happen around you or you make them happen. Act as though you do. Take responsibility for everything and you begin to see how you can utilize disadvantage to your advantage. You’re not stuck.

The Power Of This Decision Can Radically Improve Your Life

Instead you are resourceful. You aren’t a victim. You aren’t a cork bobbing in the water being pushed this way and that by the wind. No you are an active, positive, powerful, accountable, responsible creator. You make things happen! Claim it. Affirm it. Be it! Live it. Accept responsibility. Change your circumstances. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Doing Mind Design is like practicing and instrument or going to the gym. Every day I’m honing my skills and building my Mind Design muscles. It becomes more wired into my brain, easier, and more automatic. The more I use it the more I appreciate it.” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA


Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

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