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“More people take better care of their cars than their bodies. They put better fuel in their tank than fuel in their body. If this is you, it is time to start taking care of yourself. Don’t skimp on the only body you have. It’ not just your body’s health that’s important but also your mental and emotional health too. Exercise has a great effect on the entire person. Start doing more of it. You’ll notice benefits all around.

People complain they don’t have time to do good things for themselves. They’re too busy to take a few minutes each day and devote it to their well-being. They don’t eat, sleep, exercise or think right for their own over-all good. If you are too busy, that is one of the first things you ought to change. Make time to take care of yourself. What if it didn’t take all that long to make and get some profound benefits?

Would you do it? The New York Times,  May 9, 2013, reported  on the ‘Scientific Seven Minute Workout.’ That’s right, 7 minutes! You use your own body weight, a chair and a wall! Most people could find 7 minutes. Can’t you? OF COURSE, YOU CAN! Give it a shot, take seven minutes in your day to feel better. If you can’t do the exercises recommended in the article there are other things you can do.


Health experts have suggested taking the stairs instead of elevators. Stand up for a few moments every hour. Park further away and walk into the store or restaurant. While a period of dedicated exercise has benefits, finding more time to move during the day has benefits too. Go for a walk and look round. Look as far off as possible. Let your eyes get some benefit too. Sitting at desks, indoors restricts our vision.

Look out the window every hour. Research has demonstrated that exercise is a proven effective strategy in overcoming depression. One study from Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 633-638 found that 3 groups of patients used medication, a combination of medication and exercise and exercise alone to treat depression. All three groups experienced similar improvements in the beginning of the research.

However, the follow up months later proved to have some different dramatic results. These are important to note. You do not have to be depressed to experience the benefits noted. Of those who had been prescribed medication alone 38% had slipped back into depression 6 months later. Those who were prescribed medication and exercise fared slightly better at 31%. Get this? Notice the differences!!


The group who only utilized exercise as treatment relapse rate was just 9%. The biggest and long-lasting change came when patients used only exercise to manage their emotions. There may be another reason for this positive change. Exercise proved beneficial for the 2 research groups. The reason the ‘exercise only’ group may have the better results IS due to getting exercise and the experience of being in control.

They experience being in control of their changes. Being in charge is a significant predictor of positive outcomes. Because they are in control they are able to initiate and maintain the results. Understand how this relates to you. This means this group had to be self-initiators. They could not and did not rely on an outside element or ingredient to assist them. They did it by themselves. Attitude matters. It’s everything!

They just had to make themselves do the exercise and this alone has positive implications and benefits. Thus, they were able to continue whereas the others did not. The efficacy of medication has been called into question in several studies. It’s reported to be less effective than placebo in some research. This indicates that it’s not the medication that’s effective but the belief that it has some benefit.


What does that sound like to you? The Placebo Effect. Medication is frequently recommended in conjunction with therapy or other practices even though by itself it may have no merit. Think about that for a moment. The medicine may not be effective but is prescribed in addition to other practices that are known to be helpful. Why? Consider the power of belief, attribution and the pharmaceutical $$$$$ biz.

If the medicine doesn’t work but you include it with something that does, you may think it’ the medicine. AND if you believe it’s the medicine then that belief possibly benefits you, even if the actual ingredients don’t. Get this!! Our beliefs and expectations create our reality AND reflect our reality. It can be useless and beneficial if we believe it is. Science has borne this out again and again. Mindset matters.

I’m not a doctor and I’m making no medical recommendations. The research in this area IS worth looking into. There’s great power in being mentally, emotionally and physically healthy that enhances everything you do. Inner spiritual and physical health enhances financial health and wellbeing. It’s all part of the same cybernetic system. Want to be wealthier? Get healthier in spirit, mind, emotions and body.


Find practices that are easy to keep doing and provide the most benefit. Ultimately, come to your own well-informed conclusions. The important news IS you don’t need to be diagnosed as depressed to improve your mood and feel happier. Exercise helps your brain grow healthier. It releases important hormones for wellbeing. It helps you think, feel better, relax more and sleep better to get better results.

You get better results! Thinking better helps you in life and business. If you can take more time to exercise, take it. Do something positive for yourself. You will be glad you did. Walk for at least 20 minutes. Do this two or three times a day. More if you’re able. An uninterrupted hour daily walk outside is even better. Prioritize and schedule improving your own mental, emotional and physical fitness.

Thinking and feeling better is easy when you devote some time to it! Manage your time to engage in healthy practices. Make your overall health a priority. If nothing else, on your lunch break go for a stroll. Walk, jump, skip, run, stretch, skateboard. Do anything that gets your body moving. Dedicate yourself to your own wellbeing. What positive daily practice will you commit to today? After you do it, you’ll be glad you did. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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