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“Remember, perception is everything. It IS all about mindset. Everything is in your head. It is all a matter of how you look at it. If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. You become what you think about. What you focus on expands. It’s your choice.

True abundance comes from within. Most people think it is about getting things, but it isn’t. Yes, being, doing and having can be part of it. Happiness is not off in the future residing in that ‘perfect’ home car, mate, or job. It is here, now, inside of you. Find it. You can.

True abundance is the ability to be grateful right this instant and feel blessed. It means not needing anything. When you need something you notice the distance between you and what you need. You know it isn’t here now, because you need it. Same can be true of wants.

We Are What We Repeatedly Do – Excellence Is Is A Habit 

Enjoy what you have. Celebrate what IS. Count your blessings. Be thankful for the good and not so good times. Both contribute to your overall wellbeing. You  don’t think so. You have been brought up with preconditioned biases, that make up your chronic conditioning.

Mindset rules us. What we think about repeatedly we believe. So if we think tough times ARE tough, they are. If we think tough times are times of lessons and opportunities, they are. It is whatever we think and say about it that makes it so. We create our own reality.

When tough times come have a party. Celebrate, because it’s an opportunity to find something better in life. It certainly could be. If you always react to tough times as you always have, nothing changes. There is opportunity around you. Get it? It is up to you.

To Change Your Life You Must Change Some Things In Your Life

Perhaps, the only reason tough times are tough times is because you haven’t thought about them any differently. You always think about them the same. Tough times may change but you haven’t. Get it? You react the same. You think and feel the same. Change it up.  Be free!

Adversity can be a test. The challenge provides an opportunity to learn something great about yourself. You have the opportunity to excel. Something positive can come your way because that’s the kind of person you are. Love your life. New things happen, when you are.

You manifest. You live a life of service. You add value. Every moment is magical. You are open to receiving all the miracles and all the magic into your life, moment to moment. It is an incredible life. Live it in high vibration.  Be thrilled. Enthused. Joyful.  Love. Laugh.

We First Make Our Habits Then Our Habits Make Us 

All is good, always. Be optimistic, up beat, high vibration, filled with joy. All IS good! All, will always, be good. It has been good. Be secure. Become certain. Come to know it in every cell, every atom, every fiber of your being. Make this a new subconscious habit. Do it!

When it is a habit, it is reliable and automatic. When shit hits the fan you automatically  celebrate. You are constantly positive and remain optimistic. Instead of focusing on what is wrong, you believe it will work out and look for opportunity and solutions. You remain at ease.

You don’t let it get you down. You go have fun and enjoy yourself in spite of circumstances. You can do this because you have learned how. You have trained yourself to respond differently. If you want your life to change, you must change some things in your life.

Break The Bad Habits And Make Better Ones – You Can Do It

Change reacting badly to less than glorious times into responding resourcefully. When you do the correct thinking, feeling and acting, consistently, for a long enough duration of time, you develop new habits. You recondition yourself. SO learn to master yourself now. Take charge. Live in gratitude and delight. Everything changes when you do. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

***  I share with you how! Join me, to create your best life ever! ***

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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