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“The secret to getting everything you want is to create from, and for, the joy of creating and not from need or desperation! You attract what you are not what you want. You must understand this and transform yourself into someone who gets things easily.

When you master the basics of mind design and the law of attraction you transform into someone who has mastery of the process. You create and attract for the joy of it not because you want or need anything. When you are filled with gratitude you actually get more.

If you have nothing, if you are struggling then that is where most of your energy and effort and thinking resides. Energy flows where your attention goes. If it is on problems and lack that is what you end up with. If it is on being full, glad and grateful you get more of that.

Success Comes From A Few Simply Practices You Do Every Day

You need to become a joyous creator, a joyous giver, a joyous attractor. What you are determines what more you will become, do and have. From you abundance you generate more wealth. From your poverty you only generate more poverty. Do you get this?

You can’t travel uphill thinking downhill thoughts. You won’t live a positive life thinking negative. You must transform yourself. You can learn how and you can develop the habit of easily manifesting what you want. It is all up to you. It begins with gratitude. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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