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“In my latest blogs I pointed out that getting your goal or what Napoleon Hill called your Definite Chief Aim is like ordering from your waitperson in a restaurant. You know what you want. It’s clear in your mind. You specify how you want it and you place your order. You don’t beg the waitperson and you aren’t desperate, fearful or doubtful you’ll get it.

You know you get it so you relax and wait while your server goes back to the kitchen where they make it. You don’t watch, nor are you involved in the preparation of your dish. You wait patiently outside. The qualified people take care of making it for you. When it’s ready your server delivers it to you. You are excited to get it because that’s what you want.

You’re not surprised or shocked you got it because you ordered. You eat it. Enjoy it. You pay and leave the restaurant when finished to get on with your day. That’s pretty much what happens. This process happens whether you ordered a food you liked and wanted or if you ordered a food you didn’t like or want. Get it? It isn’t about what you ordered.


Good or bad. It isn’t about that. It’s about the process. The formula. It’s about your part in this process. You clarify. Order. Wait. Receive. Pay and go on. As I pointed out the payment may be AND typically is first in manifesting although not in ordering your food. There are a couple things I’d like to point out regarding this analogy. You had to go to the restaurant. 

You had to get there to order the food. You knew what you wanted and were precise in placing the order. You received it and enjoyed it. You had to pay for it which means there was a price or a cost for obtaining what you wanted. You had to do whatever it took to get there, place your order and be able to afford the meal you decided on. 

All of the process took time, energy and came at a price. This IS how everything IS in the real world. You didn’t sit in a room and wish for the meal to magically appear. The universe didn’t send it over on a magic carpet. You had to do things to make it happen. To accomplish your goals there will always be things to do AND obstacles to overcome.


There will be challenges and temporary defeat. Napoleon Hill, in studying 500 of the wealthiest people in history, stated nearly all of them faced great loss or disaster before they succeeded. Edison took 10,000 attempts to develop a lightbulb before he found the right element. The Wright Brothers experimented. They all had to persist and not give up.

Challenges, obstacles, temporary defeat will come your way and you must persist and find your way around them. Do legally and positively whatever it takes to be successful without interfering or harming anyone else or yourself. The good news is that it’s 99% your mental attitude and 1% your effort. This means it is 100% within your control.

You’re not relying on others or circumstances to get ahead YOU ARE DOING IT! However, you are cooperating with the powers that be and others and the process or universal laws. You tell your server and your server serves you. You don’t make the food but you order it and wait expectantly on it with the correct mindset having acted correctly to obtain it.


Get it?  The waitperson in the analogy is your subconscious mind. When you place your order you are directing your subconscious mind. You actually ORDER what you want. The way you do this is by the repetition of internal imagery and intense positive feelings and self-talk. You specified what you want. You know what it is you must have.

YOU are passionate about it. You imagine it in your mind’s eye, your mental movie theater, as already completed. You imagine yourself already in possession of your goal. You have achieved it. You feel all the wonderful intense feelings that accompany getting this goal. You think and feel good about your goal as much as you can throughout each day.

You keep at it because you get and you become what you think about. Repetition of your images and intense feeling place your order with your subconscious mind. NOW it works the other way too. Usually, we’re not aware we are manifesting or what. Someone thinks of their problem repeatedly feeling intense negative feelings; fear, worry, doubt, anger etc.


They talk to themselves and others about what’s wrong. It’s intense and they are intense. They get what they don ‘t want or are fearful about. Make a mental note. It is not what you want or don’t want that comes to you. It is what you hold in your mind constantly and feel intensely about. Whether good or bad. It’s the focus and intense feelings!

That’s what makes it work. While you don’t and shouldn’t scream at your server positively or negatively when ordering your food in manifesting practice for outer reality you must intensely regard, think about and talk about and feel about your Definite Chief Aim. It’s why the starting point of manifesting is desire that you convert to a white-hot obsession.

If you are intensely negative or positive about anything that’s typically what you bring to yourself. You even bring unwanted things because you strongly don’t want them. You server, the subconscious mind regards negative attention as much as positive attention as the signal for what you want. Doesn’t matter whether it’s green or red. Colors are what you will get.


Get it? This is why you need to specify WHAT you DO want and permit in making what you want happen. Most are great at making what they don’t want and then complain about it only making more of the same happen. Understand? What you get back is 100% due to what and how you order it. What YOU think about MOST OFTEN is what YOU get. Get it?

I hope so. We’ll continue on this topic journey for a bit more. You continue on life’s journey with joy and enthusiasm. After all, all we have is the journey. make and keep it marvelous. Celebrate everything and hopefully you are beginning to understand why you ought to celebrate anything. Because if you call it a problem it is one.

If you call it a blessing it is on. So look at everything as a blessing and the journey gets better. Get it? Your attitude matters. How you do one thing is how you do everything. It is always about your attitude or mindset. Your attitude shapes what you order, what you notice and how you go about it. Attitude IS the number one predictor of your success in ALL areas of your life. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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