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“There is always a price to pay for things in this world. This is the price you must pay to get what you want. The price is your attention. You must focus on your burning desire during the day, stay positive and expect it to happen. Avoid negativity. Vibrate high, not low.

Steer back to the positive thoughts and feelings whenever you become aware it’s necessary. Celebrate and be grateful. Find the best feelings you can. Keep at this. Don’t give up. Keep going. Expect the results to come in time. Be patient. Know you will get there.

The price you pay is whatever you must think and do to develop the certainty, the faith, the conviction, the commitment that you will persist and make your dream come true. You will do it. The price you pay is developing the certainty and the will to bring it about!

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

For some this is easy. For others, it will be more difficult. It is whatever it is. Just relax and go with it. But understand that nothing is free. You pay to buy bread and milk, gasoline, your clothes and shoes and cars and homes. You pay for movies and dining out.

There is an exchange. If it isn’t cash it is your energy, your attention, your effort and/or your time. Whether it is one of these or all of these you must pay the price. The grocer expects to be paid. You expect to be paid. Imagine the universe expects the same. Get this.

Begin the process.  Do it for yourself.  Make your dreams happen. Pay the price to get what you want. Condition yourself. Train yourself. Develop the positive winning mental habits to make your life more wonderful. Begin today! Engage cheerfully.

Wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Expect it to come to pass and never give up. Constant positive mental exercise and proper mental nutrition will pave the way for success that you can’t begin to imagine. Stop thinking of the reasons why you can not be successful. Begin to have reasons why you will.

Success Defined:  ‘Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.’ If you’re working towards accomplishing a worthy goal then you’re succeeding if you’re moving forward towards it. If you’re not working toward any goal then you’re really not much of a success.

Keep moving forward. Make your dreams come true. You either try to do it all alone or you get help from and with others. You try it for yourself or you get help, coaching, a mentor and someone who’ll help hold you accountable. Pay the price to succeed. If you pay nothing, you get nothing. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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International Marketing Guru Joe Soto

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

Meme @2021 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

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