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“Look around. Look all around, inside you and outside you and find anything to be grateful for. Whatever you find celebrate it. Large or small, few or many live with thankfulness and you will transform your life.” Rex Sikes

“Through celebration and appreciation your life will transform. When you learn to express your gratitude moment to moment magic happens.” Rex Sikes


“It is amazing what we can achieve if we only believe we will. Keep the faith in you alive. Make your circumstances work for you instead of working for them.” Rex Sikes

“Faith is power. When you believe fully that you can do anything you will. Just be smart about it. Some people want to fly and run off cliffs believing they can, that is a silly way to do it. Start on the ground and fly upwards. The Wright Brothers wanted to fly and they did. They were smart about it. Believe in yourself, be smart and you can accomplish anything. Perhaps, not the first way you think about it but believe you can, keep on trying and you will.” Rex Sikes


“First! Create value, add value to other people. Yes! GO FIRST! That is when and how the magic happens. If you wait for them to do first, you are too late. If you wait to do it – you will wait and wait. Instead, go first, and discover how incredible life can be.” Rex Sikes

“The Golden Rule is about thinking and doing first to others what you hope they would be kind enough to do to or for you. The Golden Rule means to treat others with the highest regard whether or not they treat you that way. You hold in your mind and heart all good things and project they to others. From your mind and your heart your actions arise. Keep the Golden Rule. When you do your life will be amazing.” Rex Sikes


“Absolutely attitude is everything! Get used to it. You will always have challenges, ALWAYS! Accept it already! How you handle the difficult times, and what you learn from them IS that which enables you to move forward in your life! SO stay positive and keep the faith!” Rex Sikes

“When you appreciate and celebrate and accept everything as it is there is no problem ever.” Rex Sikes


“You want to be free of problems? Learn to consider them blessings in disguise, because that is what they are. Blessings.” Rex Sikes

“You create magic and attract many good things when you go first. When you are the catalyst, the instigator, the initiator, when good things begin with you and your output you get so much more back in return. So go first! Create something wonderful for yourself and others. When you go first you will delight and surprise yourself.” Rex Sikes<

Do good and have a glorious day today!

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