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“The most important thing  you can do is learn how to control your thinking. Everything first begins with thought. Your actions and results originate from your thoughts and feelings. You can’t do anything more important than to learn to manage your thoughts.

From within to without. From inside your head to your hand is how creativity happens. It is how everything happens for us. Sadly, most people never take charge of their thinking so then never take charge of their lives. Napoleon Hill stated most people drift through life.

The secret to success is getting your mindset right. Develop an unshakable, unstoppable attitude that supports you in your positive endeavors. Remember this saying, ‘you get what you practice’. You get better at whatever you do through consistent right practice.

What Consumes Your Mind Controls Your Life – It’s Up To You

Yet, many never practice developing how they think. They remain victims of others, of events, of circumstances. They whine, blame and make excuses. Instead of taking responsibility for the life they have created they think it has happened to them. Lucky or not.

They hope and wish things were different, yet they spend their time in worry, fear and doubt. The hope it gets better but anticipate the worst. This is not a productive way to spend your time, is it? Another secret is to not be smaller than your problems but be to bigger.

Stop trying to avoid and eliminate problems. Instead evolve, work on yourself, make yourself larger than the issues. Become capable of finding solutions and resolving whatever comes your way. Whether you succeed in life or not is completely up to you. It really is!

I’m In Charge Of How I Think And Feel – I Choose To Be Happy

Take 100% responsibility for who you are, what you are doing, where you are in life and what you have. If you want it to be better, decide and determine to make it so. You absolutely can do this. You can begin to make an incredible difference for yourself. Get it?

Grow yourself up. Make yourself a champion. Put faith in you that you can and will do this. You see, it begins with your thoughts and whether you think you can or or you think you can’t. If you think you can’t, you absolutely must begin to learn how you can. Get it?

It isn’t that hard. It can be far easier than you might think it would be. However, nothing will change unless you take charge and make some changes. Practice positive thinking. Practice declaring and affirming who  you want to become and practice being that.

Every Thought We Think Is Creating Our Future – How Is Yours

Live it. Breathe it. Then, you will enjoy it. Your future is in your hands. Magical thinking means you put your faith and hope in outside forces. You hope and pray for things to change but do nothing to actually change. Realize, now YOU can change it all.

Begin today! Don’t wait. Start now. Right where you are. Decide to improve yourself. Decide to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Read inspired, positive books and articles. Affirm, declare, visualize. Listen to inspired audios. Keep a gratitude journal. Do it daily!

Otherwise nothing really changes. Manage you mind. Be the boss of your brain, not its servant. Be larger than your problems. In fact, you have no problems if you consider everything a learning opportunity and a blessing. Live in gratitude and your life improves. Practice thought management. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Fill your moments with joy and happiness today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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