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“There are some simple practices that result in big changes. Would you like to know what they are? They will work, absolutely, but you do have to do them. If you wanted to be as fit as an athlete then you would need to condition yourself as an athlete does. If you understand this everything becomes much easier.

Here are some of the things you want to do. In doing them life becomes easier and more joyful. You start finding new opportunity and advantages because you begin to develop new positive ways of being as habits.

Habits shape your destiny. Good habits, positive ones mean good things ahead. If you don’t change your habits for the better things end up remaining the same. So if you are determined that your life must change then realize you must change some things in your life.

To Know And Not To Do Is To Not Know

What you resist persists. Stop resisting! Stop fighting. Let go. What you pour your energy into is what you get. If you pour your energy into poverty and negativity you get more of the same. Pour your energy into wealth and health and you’ll get more of those.

What you focus on expands. What you think about you bring about. So manage your thoughts.YOU direct them instead of letting them direct you. You can and you must if you want a different and better life. You must make directing your thoughts a positive habit. How?

Start by being grateful. Celebrate everything. Look for things in your life, no matter how small, and put your positive attention on these. Be appreciative.

Build a list each day and feel how it feels to be grateful. Feelings are the most important. Feel it! Smile and laugh more! Delight more and spread it!

Action Is The Proper Fruit Of Knowledge 

Recite positive mantras or affirmations out loud with enthusiasm and energy whenever you can throughout the day. ‘I am confident’. or ‘I have great health’ assertions.

Speak nicely to yourself and others. Only speak to bless, heal and prosper. Drop negativity and gossip. Focus on the good, leave bad news alone.

Be Positive. Any words that follow ‘I am’ or’I have’ is what you get. So ‘I am stupid’ or “I have no money’ result in those too. Keep it positive and fill your day with positive assertions and affirmations. Use lots of energy.

Visualize what you want as if you already have it! See it! You get what you see and what you say and what you feel! Imagine the ideal you and feel what it is like to be that right now. Do not imagine a better future make it all present. Imagine a better you today!

Aim at what you want. Think intentionally and create deliberately. Use your imagination positively. Stop being a victim. Be responsible for everything in your life.

Practice taking responsibility instead of blaming others and circumstance.  It isn’t rocket science. It is simple and easy. Decide that YOU are in charge and YOU will be.

The Mind Is Only As Strong As Its Weakest Think

Focus on what you want. Focus on where you want to go. DO what you need to do to get there. Keep doing until you arrive. If anything comes up along the way to prevent you,  detour and keep heading toward your destination. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the process.

Remember it is a process. That means you change as you go along. Everything happens in time. Expect the best but be realistic and give yourself time to change. If you stumble and fall get up, dust off, and resume. Don’t skip days be consistent and persistent.

If you fall, accept it, pat yourself on the back for getting up and resuming. Don’t get angry or down on yourself. It’s okay. You are human, we all stumble.

Those who get up and keep going eventually cross the finish line. It doesn’t matter that it may be tough at times if you want it badly enough you’ll keep going. Those who quit – quit. If you want it, never stop.

What You Feel Is What You Get

Feelings are important! Feel better most of the time and you will feel good most of the time. Put your energy into feeling the best you can each moment.  You life will transform your entire life. Again, it’s not rocket science. Just do it! Make feeling good a positive habit!

If you feel down accept it. It is okay. We all have down moments. Nothing wrong in that. Take it as a signal that you are focused on what you don’t want or on negativity. Use this awareness as an opportunity to direct your thinking back to the positive.

Do something to feel a little bit better. Even just a little bit is important. You don’t have to make a huge leap toward bliss just learn to move an inch or two in that direction.

A leap may be too difficult but you can inch your way out, away from the bad feelings and move towards feeling better. So make small, incremental changes BUT make them.

Don’t wait – begin as soon as you become aware. You want to savor positive feelings not negative ones. SO move as soon as you notice the less than glorious feelings.

Be In Charge Of Your Circumstances Don’t Let Them Be In Charge

If you do this each time you feel down and out you will develop the habit of feeling better.  So don’t get mad or worse, don’t beat yourself up, if you feel down, but stop and then start moving away from the bad feelings. Notice the negative thoughts and change them.

Start thinking more positive. and taking some action or doing something that helps you feel a bit better. Before you know it you will move your self our of feeling bad. Learn that your bad feelings are a signal. Something requires your attention so you can change it.

These are simple things to do. Easy, but not always. You just need to do them consistently. Do not wait to feel like it or to be motivated. Motivation usually comes from doing what you need to do, not before hand as many people mistakenly think. Motivation comes from the act not by getting pumped up.

Many athletes don’t feel like getting up early and going out running or swimming or working out hard. They just know that if they want to win, or get a medal then they must workout everyday without exception. They don’t feel like it frequently but they do it anyway. It becomes habit. They benefit from their positive habits.

Celebrate and Enjoy

Your habits will break or make you. Develop the best positive habits and your life will transform. Stay the same and you will live the same. That is the hard cold truth. Have fun changing. Have fun transforming your life. It can be easier than you think it is, but you will only find that out, if and when you actually go for it. Do it!” Rex Sikes

Make the day matter in a positive way!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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Make the most of today!

*If you like this blog please share it with others who can use some inspiration too!


Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

GETTING CLOSER TO THE NEW SITE LAUNCH  – Inching our way up on getting it up and running. The site will have a new look and feel. If you get this blog emailed to you,  You will be able to subscribe to the blog and my new newsletter.

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