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“I write for actors and artists, filmmakers and fans, people from all walks of life. This blog reveals how you maximize your potential to live the life you deserve and get what you want. So homemaker or business person, living in urban area or the sticks, these words, this message, is for you.

Some people spend more time worried and fearful. They hope against hope that things will change or be different. Yet, each day they repeat the same behaviors. They focus on what is wrong with the world, events or themselves. They focus on bills and problems.

How do you expect anything to be different if day in and day out you do the same things continuously. In order for your life to change you have to change some things in your life. If you always do what you always did YOU will ALWAYS get what YOU always got.

If You Do What You Always Did You Get What You Always Got

In order to be new you need to start new. Your past has nothing to do with your future. Change occurs the instant you decide to be different and then follow through and act on that decision. Change begins that very instant!

If you want things to be new you have to think new. If you spend more time worried about your circumstances than anything else you need to stop it and do something different. If your career, relationships, finances, or life is in the gutter it is time to take charge.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be really bad to want to change. You can change any time. It is simple. It is easy, but not always easy. If you stick with it though you can transform everything in great, new, positive ways.

Your Past Has Nothing To Do With Your Future

Here is how you start. Stop thinking about what is wrong and START thinking about what is right! Begin thinking about all the things YOU HAVE got going for you. If you have’t done this in a while perhaps you will only find or remember a few. The more you seek the more you will find.

Reflect on all your talents and abilities no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant. Perhaps, you know how to fold a dinner napkin. Great count that! Celebrate that! I don’t know how to do it but you do! Count, list and celebrate your resources.

Take an inventory about all the cool, good, groovy, hip, sick, bad, rockin, things about yourself. Count them and add to them each day. Start recognizing your own worth a value bit by bit. Then add to it. Add to it by also counting the blessings in your life.

The Present And Future Are Yours To Create

Look at the friends or loved ones, past and present. Look at the good times back then and now. Dig out positive memories and examples all through your life to enjoy. Look at all the present things that are good in your life. Look for great things in your community and the world.

The process of searching for good may not be familiar to you. Not all that many people know to do it. If you begin and do it daily you will discover you find more and more examples and you start thinking and feeling better.

As you continue you will condition yourself and build positive habits. Takes at least 21 days so people say 3 months or routine, regular, spaced, repetition. So do it and keep doing it. You will surprise yourself with how powerful this exercise can be in helping you make changes, feel better and get on track.

To Be New Think And Do New Things

If you want you life to change you have to change things in your life. The one thing you have absolute control over is you. Not many people exercise that control but it is true. You have the ability to control your thoughts, feelings and actions.

You CAN make your life anything you want it to be. Start now by looking for all the good in you and around you. Stay focused on it. If you find your mind straying bring it back to that which is good. You can do this! Do it today.” Rex Sikes

Have a great day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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