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“Continuing the thoughts and discussion. You have control. You are in charge of yourself. Even if you don’t believe it. Gravity is gravity whether you believe it or accept it. Gravity still works as gravity works. You’re still responsible for what you create, attract, accept and deny. Accept the responsibility. Be at cause 100%. Stop putting the responsibility outside yourself.

Accept that YOU are the cause THEN the effects (the results) you create are yours You are the cause and you create the effects. Accept this responsibility and you can start winning as never before. Why? Because the effects have always already been up to you. YOU and no one and nothing else is creating your life. You are always creating whether you know it or not.

Whether or not you believe you’re responsible doesn’t change it. Gravity doesn’t change because you believe or don’t. You may not have liked the results you were getting and that is true for most people. They blame, whine, complain, excuse and provide reasons for why they aren’t getting what they want. NOT MY FAULT they exclaim. Well, yes. Yes, it is. It’s up to you and nothing else.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™

‘If it is to be, it is up to me.’ Dinner doesn’t get made unless someone makes it. Whether you order it or cook it, it’s up to you. Instead of shirking responsibility, accept it. Take deliberate charge of the creation process and begin creating what you DO want instead of creating what you don’t want and accepting crappy results. YOU are always making it happen! Start creating good.

Stay focused on your mental movies. Think the best positive thoughts. Feel the best you can. Make it a point to vibe high. Feel your best. Feel your mental movies. Celebrate life. Be filled with joy, positivity, gratitude and celebration. Use your feelings as a signal for when you are on target and aligned. Notice and use your feelings as a signal when you are off track and thinking crap.

If you feel less than glorious it means somewhere inside you you are off track. You’re thinking negatively EVEN if you are not consciously aware that you are. YOUR feelings are alerting you. You feel negative YOU ARE thinking negative. When you notice this it’s the opportunity to find ways to make yourself feel better. The goal; spend as much time as you can feeling good!

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™

Use the signal of your feelings to adjust. When you’re feeling good you’re on target with your goals and desires. You can and will manifest good things when feeling good. Stay focused on gratitude for the past and present. Be grateful for everything, celebrate. Eagerly anticipate the future with delight and enthusiasm. VIBE HIGH. Feel incredible. Express gratitude. Be excited.

Learn from mistakes. Stop blaming others and yourself. Learn and be grateful you can learn and grow. Fill your mind with positive inspirational material. Read inspiring books and listen to audios. Hang around with positive productive people who are making their dreams come true. Become a positive powerful creative force. Have fun and delight in all of it. Celebrate. Embrace it and relax.

ENJOY! Remember, YOU are in charge of your vibrations. You are always vibrating. It never stops. Learn to direct it positively and productively. Whatever you put out you get back more of the same. Like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. The reason you do not have more is because you look around, see what you have and what you don’t and feel bad. Or you doubt.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™

Or you fear, Or you worry. If you notice not having you create and attract MORE not having. Lack attracts lack. You attract more of the same lack and poor feelings. When you use your eyes to determine your situation you create more of the same. You look at your present and accept it as your truth. You think, ‘I am tired of this. I want more, I don’t want to be poor.’ Get it?

You don’t create wealth if you don’t want to be poor. You do not create wealth and well-being by attracting more of what you do not want. Whatever you try to avoid, ignore or eliminate means you are concentrating and putting your energy into what you don’t want. You must stop. To attract wealth and well-being you have to feel wealth and well-being. Feel it already fulfilled.

You have to spend time feeling it! Feel wonderful and enjoy having wealth and well-being. Feel it. Live it. Be grateful for already having it. Vibe high with it and in response, you attract more of it. You attract wealth and well-being by being filled already with wealth and well-being. This is what you must learn to do. This is how you must spend your time. Feeling it. Being grateful for it.

Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™

Know with certainty it is yours already. NOT coming to you sometime possibly BUT that it is already yours to enjoy and celebrate it. Celebrate it fully. Your inner movie theater helps you do. You think it, see it, create it in your mind and have the feelings of what you want. You experience already having it fully in your imagination. Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, HAVING!

You see it and feel it and hear it from your point of view. It is not a movie where you see yourself overthrew doing and having it. IT’S what it would be like to ACTUALLY have it. Enjoy the feelings. Savor the feelings. Do this repeatedly. Keep doing it. Your thoughts, feelings and words are all congruently aligned with your desires. You end the inner conflict. You end the mixed results.

WHY? HOW? BECAUSE now that you already are it, doing it or having it YOU no longer want it. You got it! You no longer worry whether or not you’ll get it BECAUSE it’s already yours. You feel glad and grateful for having it. You’re no longer worried or hoping. You’re not worried about whether you end up getting it. GET THIS! WHEN you’re already it, you start getting it!

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™

You attract resources, other people and situations. You attract more abundance, more delight and more well-being because like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. You reap what you have sown. Get it? In your mind you have already harvested the results. You’re not waiting on them YOU have them already. In this moment, what are you presently sowing? Well?

It’s important! If you’re focused on less-than-glorious circumstances, lack of wealth and wellbeing, you will get back much more of the same. If you’re focused on what you want to remove or eliminate or avoid you’ll get more of that. If you’re vibing low you will get all manner of low-vibe negativity in terms of circumstances, events and people. You must understand this.

Low-vibe opens you up to all low vibes. High vibes open you up to high vibes. Focus on what you really, really want as if you already have it and you CAN make that or something better happen. Stop living less than you deserve. Take charge. Take responsibility. Resolve to Create it. Resolve to take 100% responsibility. Then you can create it. Get this? Celebrate everything. Get that and why it’s important? I mean really, truly get that. Then celebrate everything. Celebrate EVERYTHING!” Rex Sikes


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“‘Directed Questions’ created by Rex Sikes and the Mind Design course I am doing is very helpful. I change not only my focus but mindset, attitude and results. Helps me turn challenging situations into playful voyages of discovery and delight. Thanks to the Mind Design process, I have discovered that I have more indomitable strength and courage than I gave myself credit for!” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2022 Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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