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“As we wring (and ring) in the new year let’s keep in mind it isn’t the year that determines whether you struggle or thrive. It’s your mindset, feelings, the beliefs you hold, the habits you act from and your overall attitude and expectations. The year does nothing.

How you respond to whatever is presented to you is what matters the most. You either react out of old automatic habits or you free yourself up to respond differently. What you fear most you attract most. Get it? Energy flows where your attention goes. Focus.

This is a great lesson for all of us. How to manage your mindset in the face of difficulty. 2021 could be better or worse than 2020, but you alone decide whether it is better for you or not. I hope it is. I wish you the very best. I wish the best New Year for everyone.

Learn To Change Your Thinking & Create Your Best Life!

Consider this: perhaps 2020, as with all time, circumstances and events, is the universe’s way of saying WAKE UP to what is actually important. That ain’t money. It ain’t power over others. It ain’t a shiny new car. All these may be good but they aren’t important.

Money is marvelous but good health is true wealth. It’s time we wake up and realize our attitude determines how we go through everything. How you choose to go through this is in your hands. As I’ve said before economies collapse and can be rebuilt BUT…

Dead people remain dead. Will people suffer if the economy buckles? Sure. They would anyway. It isn’t pretty that’s for sure. People would struggle. Right now we still have a major health threat that needs to be addressed so the economy can get back on track.

Learn To Change Your Thinking & Create Your Best Life!

IF we ARE really smart we’ll improve the economy and not return to what we had. THIS IS ONE GIGANTIC OPPORTUNITY to wake up and evolve higher that some will embrace and others will miss. Will you miss it or embrace it? This is your opportune time. Be alert.

This is when you adjust and continue. You exercise your mental and behavioral flexibility. It is when you prepare and make changes for your future. It’s the time to wire in new positive neural connections for thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving better and better.

Use this time to evolve and improve your attitude, your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and financial health. Learn how to make the important changes you need to end struggle and begin to thrive. Use the new year to make a positive difference for you and yours.

Learn To Transform Your Thoughts & Skyrocket Your Abundance

Only after we get though this will we begin to understand what worked and what didn’t. Meanwhile, we are experimenting with success for both health and the economy. Continue to move forward in positive ways. As the Wright Brothers did when trying to fly.

They didn’t know how to fly until after they flew. Prior to that they were experimenting. They were attempting things, getting feedback, making adjustments and trying again, Once they flew, then they knew what worked. That is why hindsight is 2020. Get it?

As we say good bye to 2020, a year some consider a bad year, realize all sorts of good came with it too. It always does. What you focus on matters the most in determining your experience and how you get through troubling times. Remember, this when saying hello to 2021.

Transform Your Thoughts & Create  An Incredible New Year!

Focus on the best. Learn from the bad or the worst and let it go. Extract the lesson, apply it and leave the yucky in the past. Expect the best and look for the best. Celebrate the good. If you find things you don’t like adjust and continue. Manage your mindset. Get it!

Manage your feelings and behaviors and you will thrive as never before even if you have failed in the past. Learn how to count everything as a blessing and everything will be a blessing. Happy New Year to you and yours. May it be filled with love and light.

May it delight and surprise you in ways you may not be able to imagine yet. May you experience all manner of good things and may you transform yourself in positive and powerful ways. I hope you will use the time you have, which we all have, to create your best life to live life on your terms. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I share so much more in Life On Your Terms and upcoming blogs

“This may be the wisest, more realistic, and most helpful book I’ve come across. I’ve been a self-help book addict for at least five decades, and I’ve read many of the greats. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. I loved LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. Buy it!” Mitzi Perdue, Author, Entrepreneur (Frank Perdue Chicken)


Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for lots more powerful practices and ideas to live happily and successfully. It’s an especially important book during tough times. Read it in advance of difficult times to be prepared or during tough times to know what to do and what not to do to get better results!

Make good things happen. Get it today! Here’s the link:


Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Great as gifts too!

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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