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“There are reasons why most successful people are successful. Knowing what the successful person does, and doing what s/he does, can help you become much more successful. One of the very important reasons is so obvious it is frequently missed by the rest.

Successful people expect to be successful! Happy people expect to be happy and are grateful for where they are and what they have. These people imagine life going well for them! They focus on it and live it. Others focus on problems, and issues, big or small.

The happy, successful, person doesn’t have time, nor the inclination, to fret and worry, be sad or concerned with whether they will make what they want to happen. They just go about doing it. Their mind is in the right place. They feel good about it. They take action.

Attitude Is Everything – Attitude Determines Your Altitude

While others complain, happy, successful people refrain from doing so. If they’re dissatisfied they use it to create something better and more useful. It’s creative dissatisfaction. Not wallowing in what is wrong and why things don’t work out. Get it? Mindset is everything!

These are people who think, ‘If it is to be it is up to me!’ They think, ‘ I am really lucky because I create my own luck. I win things all the time!’ They create magical moments, get the best parking spaces, tables in restaurants and much more because they expect it.

They expect everything to go well and work out in their favor. They believe it first and experience it second! They create and attract the money, people, events and circumstances in their life because they believe themselves able to do this! They know it with certainty.

Thoughts > Feelings > Words & Actions > Results 

You can too. Begin to expect magical moments small and large. Travel a little bit in advance of the world. Make each moment delightful! Expect it and you will create it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Develop your inner power! Learn to manifest your desires! Enjoy abundance! Enroll in Mind Design™. Join me and my students. Together, we can help you create your best life ever. Learn how to really live. Become fully alive. Live your best dreams!

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience! Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

“‘Directed Questions’ created by Rex Sikes and the Mind Design course I am doing is very helpful. I change not only my focus but mindset, attitude and results. Helps me turn challenging situations into playful voyages of discovery and delight. Thanks to the Mind Design process, I have discovered that I have more indomitable strength and courage than I gave myself credit for!” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

STOP STRUGGLING! START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE. It’s Easy, Fun and Powerful! It’s incredible!

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Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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