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“‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is,’ in the original means as the man is in his being all day long or essentially forever. Who the person is, is demonstrated by what the person thinks, feels, says and does. It’s about alignment and congruity. It’s not just about simple thoughts. As an analogy let’s pretend there are truly good people in the world and truly bad people in the world.

A truly good person would be thinking, feeling, saying, and doing good things all day long. A truly bad person would be thinking bad things, feeling, saying, and doing bad things all day long. That’s who they are, period. For most people they think good things sometimes and bad things other times. It’s why I say they’re like a person standing with 1 foot on the dock and 1 foot in the boat.

They can’t get anywhere because they’re not solidly on one. Be on the dock or in the boat but straddling both will get you nowhere. To manifest what you want you must get into the boat and travel to the destination you want to arrive at. You can’t vacillate. It isn’t a single thought. It isn’t what you sometimes are doing and at other times you aren’t. It is who you are all the time that matters.

Who you become along your journey to your destination is important. It’s who you are that allows you to reach your destination. I know I’ve gone a little over on the concept of traveling in a boat, but you get the idea. Who you are determines what you think, feel, speak and do to get the results you get. As a man thinketh in his heart so he is and as he is he’s able to create what he or she wants.

It’s not just the effort, it’s the quality. It’s not just the quantity, it’s the quality. It’s the heart and mind and speech and behaviors are all aligned to bring about the very best results. AND you can become this person by applying simple principles, bit by bit, drip by drip, drop by drop daily persistently, consistently you become it. Neurons that fire together wire together. Correct repetition builds correct habits.

You build the new habit of being the kind of person for whom manifesting is easy and as that person manifesting IS easy. Prior to this it’s a struggle because you’ve got 1 foot on the boat and 1 foot on the dock. ONCE YOU ALIGN YOURSELF you are all in the boat moving toward your destination. The Bible also says ‘by their fruits you shall know them’ or again back to the original, by their actions.

By what they do you will recognize who they are. Why? Because they walk their talk. They live it. They are it. They demonstrate who they are by their behaviors and the results they get. If you and they are loving, kind, generous, compassionate, accepting, helpful and looking for win win wins for everyone, then it’s likely you and they are that kind of person. Usually, you can tell a good person from bad.

If they’re reading, studying, learning every day and adding to themselves to keep themselves uplifted, inspired and edified and for others then they may be that kind of person. They will do the things that demonstrate who they are, they will speak the words that demonstrate who they are, and you will notice it by how they exude in their behavior. You will see it in their countenance. It’s Who they are!

You will see it in the results they’re pursuing. They aren’t saying one thing but doing another. They aren’t harboring a secret shadow side and being something other than what they are. What you see is what you get. What they say is what they get. So, as a man thinketh in his heart so he is and by the fruits you will know whether the person is genuine. This is important. Seek to be genuine and be it.

Do not just look at others but look at yourself. Are you genuine? Are you being and thinking and feeling and saying and doing those things that continue to make you the kind of person for whom manifesting is easy. The good person is easily recognized from the bad. The bad often attempts to masquerade as the good. I hope you get this. Rise above. Vibe high. Celebrate everything!”


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©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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