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Three Means Of Managing Your Time: There are three things you can do right now to make better use of your time. Remember, if you aren’t controlling your time, time is controlling you. You want more life and fun in your day than effort and work, don’t you? I sure do!

Three Means Of Managing Your Time:

1. Do It – Get It Done
2. Delegate It – Give It To Someone Else Who Is Competent
3. Ditch It- Forget About It All Together. It Is Really Unimportant 

Remember, every action involves a choice between what is more important and what is less important. The Law of Excluded Alternatives states doing one thing means not doing something else. You must prioritize your time and your efforts to enjoy life more.

Energy Flows Where Your Attention Goes – Become Aware

Separate the urgent from the important. Ask yourself, “What is the long term potential or consequence of not doing this now?” Don’t do anything you can delegate or purchase. Remember, your aim in time management is to increase your return on energy and live more life!

A few more questions you can ask yourself: Does this need to be done? Do I have to do it? (Must it be done by me?) Does it need to be done now? Can I do it right now?  When can I get to it and complete it?  Your yes or no answers determine what you need to do about it.

Do It. Delegate It. Ditch It. Defer It. There’s a 4th practice raised by the questions. If you can’t do it right now, but you alone must do it, then  defer it to a time when you CAN complete it. Put it  in your planner and then do it when the time comes. Defer it until then.

What You Focus On Expands – What Are You Paying Attention To

IMPORTANT: When you delegate, delegate to a competent person or source that meets deadlines. You’ll save time, money, energy and lots of grief if you FIRST research, and choose a competent source. This can’t be emphasized enough! Spend money to save money.

If you don’t, you’ll pay for it in the long run. Find and vet trusted sources, who can do it for you right and on time, or you’ll spend time repairing the damage. Incompetence and misunderstanding create delays. Find those who are proven, who get it, and are very capable!

These practices help you prioritize, simplify and organize your mind around what you need to do. Put them into practice and you’ll save yourself loads of time. You’ll conserve mental and physical energy. Then, you can spend that time doing the things you truly enjoy!

Feel The Power That Comes From Focusing On What Excites You

When you claim your time back you get your life back! Imagine how good it feels to complete things, be productive, and accomplish more. You’ll free yourself of worry and anxiety. You’ll get more done and feel better as your self-esteem and confidence improve. Get it?

Your ability to manage your minutes, your day, your weeks and months will increase. Skill comes of doing. Habits are formed by consistent correct practice repeated for long enough. Use the principles and practices I’ve been sharing with you in this Mind Design™ Mini-Workshop and you will transform your life. (Stay tuned for next part). Be filled with gratitude and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“Today, I spent the whole day unsubscribing from everything that serves as a distraction and/or distorts what I now know having learned from you. Decluttering is part of my daily commitment to myself. Thanks for Mind Design, your blogs, live videos and emails.” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

“Doing Mind Design is like practicing an instrument or going to the gym. Every day I’m honing my skills and building my Mind Design muscles. It becomes more wired into my brain, easier, and more automatic. The more I use it the more I appreciate it. Michael Halbfish Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem, PA


IT’S TIME TO STOP STRUGGLING AND START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE!! Discover how easy it can be! Join us in Mind Design™

Enroll In Mind Design™  Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself. Start getting the results and the life you deserve!

Enroll In Mind Design™  Today  Act now!! Life can be easier than you ever realized.  Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Infographic Image © Rex Sikes & RSE, LLC

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