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“Some time ago I pointed out that RAVE (my acronym for Recognize Appreciate Validate Excellence) is a wonderfully powerful and important gift for people including yourself. When you get RAVEd on and about you get to feel important, confident, respected, liked, loved or any number of positive wonderful feelings. Whenever anyone appreciates you accept it graciously. Take it in. Allow yourself to feel good.

Too many people dismiss compliments and acknowledgement. Stop. Accept it. Of course, don’t get a swelled head over it but feel how good it feels to be genuinely appreciated. Bask in it. Also, be willing to RAVE about someone else. That moment of recognition can be a life long positive memory and resource the re-ignites all those incredible feelings whenever remembered. That alone is worth it.

That is good reason to be certain to provide this experience to people important to you personally and professionally business. Recognition and validation are gifts that keep on giving. It can become a highlight and cherished memory for you and others. There is another powerful reason for giving recognition, appreciation and validation to others I’ll discuss in the next blog.

Meanwhile, accept it freely and lavish it freely on others. Don’t do it just to do it. Sincerely, acknowledge their efforts and congratulate them on it. When someone does something of merit be willing to notice and positively comment. That recognition is meaningful AND you want it to be meaningful and not just an insincere compliment. Get it? Be genuine. Be willing to RAVE when appropriate and spread the love and positive energy around. Celebrate everything” Rex Sikes



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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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