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“What does it mean to be a positive thinker? Seems many people today are under the wrong assumptions. Maintaining a positive mental attitude is one of the top indicators of potential success. Without the right attitude and dedication few get very far.

My recent post discussed the benefits of positive thinking on the brain and the detrimental effects of negative thinking. Today, we realize it is not just a cheery, greeting card, rosy glasses type of facade. It is a potent power that actually changes brain structure.

Some have cautioned people to not think positive because if they do and then they don’t get what they wish for they might be more disappointed than if they hadn’t thought positive about it first. That is negative thinking. Better not do it because it might not work.

Positive Results Never Come From Negative Thoughts

Hogwash at its best. Don’t do anything, don’t think about it, don’t try because if you don’t succeed you’ll be worse off. Better you do nothing than disappoint yourself. How sad is this line of thought. Stay stuck. Rely on psychologists OR WORSE psychiatrists.

A useful definition of positive thinking is this statement by Napoleon Hill.  ‘Flexibility, perhaps, can best be described as the ability to survey and assess a given situation swiftly and react to it on the basis of logic and reason with a minimum of emotion.’

‘By developing flexibility you are prepared to take prompt action in seizing opportunity or problem solving. It can help you become decisive.’ That’s a pretty accurate description of positive thinking. The ability to asses, take right action, for solutions or opportunity.

Believe You Can And You Are Half Way There

Hill maintained, as others have, that you can control your own mind. He felt it imperative that all people learn to do this. He emphasized the ability to direct your mind productively without getting caught up in less than glorious emotions that might drive or influence you.

A PMA is desirable in taking advantage of opportunity and problem solving. One focuses on the advantage or the solution not the problem. The problem helps you define what is needed, then your attention is turned to the solution. It is about what you CAN DO!

Drop the problem. If you are broke, okay you know that, now focus on what you need to do to make money. Stop concentrating on broke and stop complaining about it. Stop thinking about what you can’t do. Move on. Move forward. Stop staying stuck and focused on past.

We Are Shaped By Our Thoughts – We Become What We Think

Think what you can do. Think about what you want. Work to make that happen. Don’t just sit and wish for a change. Be active in bringing change about. That is positive thinking. Positive thinking leads to inspired action because you FEEL like you can do it.

Thoughts lead to feelings – so chose the best thoughts and get the best feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to habits when repeated over time. Actions lead to results. If you want great results you begin with great thoughts. THINK and grow rich! Remember!

Hill went on to say, ‘flexibility is the one trait that softens poverty and adorns riches, for it helps you be grateful for your blessings and unabashed by misfortune. It can also help you to make beneficial use of every experience of life, whether pleasant or unpleasant.’

Positive Thoughts And Actions – Produce Positive Results

As Henry Ford said, ‘whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.’ YOU determine what will be. Think positive and you will get further faster than if you think negative. Your brain will help look for those opportunities and solutions. It is designed to do this.

You grow new neural pathways and develop success habits that support you. It is a win to learn how to control and condition your mind positively. The secret to success is to learn to be successful at managing your thoughts and feelings. Learn this kind of self-control. When you do, the world can be your oyster. Take charge, delight in all, and celebrate everything.” Rex Sikes

How much fun can you stand to have today?

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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