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“You can’t push a rope. You can’t be two places at once. You can’t turn back the clock. You can’t advance the clock. You can’t step into the same river twice. You can’t hurry mother nature. Accept it. Give in. Go with the flow. Stop insisting the flow goes with you.

The universe has its own time. When you plant a seed you have to wait until it germinates, breaks the soil, and bears fruit. That is the natural progression of things. Plant, wait and harvest. When it rains you wait for it to stop. When it doesn’t rain you wait for it to start.

An aspect of manifesting what you want is being open and ready to receive. Receive what is there for you. Be willing for it to arrive however it arrives. Be willing to receive it WHEN it shows up. In the mean time wait expectantly and enthusiastically. Don’t force when.

Trust That You Will Have Everything You Need When You Need It

When it happens is when it happens. Where you are is where you are. You don’t know what you don’t know. You are in the right place right now whether or not you realize it. Most don’t, or won’t. Hence, they miss opportunities that are plentiful and immediate.

Right here, right now, is incredible opportunity. How and when and where it shows up for you is determined by you, and your thoughts and attitude. Do your part and wait. How you wait determines how long you wait. Let go and enjoy. Be patient. Allow.

I love the freeway mediation I have described numerous times in these blog pages. You are right there in the middle of traffic. It does whatever it does. You either go with it or you resist it. Whichever you do determines the kind of experience you have.

Trust The Timing Of Your Life – Trust The Timing Of The Universe

Pleasant or unpleasant it is all up to you. Act. Wait. Enjoy! I’m not suggesting you do nothing while waiting. I am suggesting ‘how’ you wait determines what and when you get what you are seeking. Let go of your agenda and be open to a greater one. Do you get it?

Celebrate the universe. Celebrate that everything happens when it happens. Yes, work to make it happen but let go of the outcome. Let go of how it shows up. Pursue and be ready to receive. Commit 100% and know it will happen. How and when no one really knows.

It just will! Certainty, trust, faith, optimism, positivity all work together. Gratitude for what you have been through, what you have and what you will have is important. Living in appreciation opens doors for more. It opens your mind and heart  to receive. So receive. Delight in all. Be thankful. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

How delighted can you be today?

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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