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horizons heart-belongs-phil-koch

“Make today about you and loved ones. Make it a special day. Do something wonderful for you and family or a friend. Live a little. laugh a little, love a lot. Have fun, let go. Just because you can.

Let today be a day of rest and enjoyment. Allow delight and celebration to fill your moments for no reason. Simply relax and do nothing but special things for yourself. Make it a treat day.

Gift yourself. Gift your loved one. Accept from others too. Expect good things. Look for good things. Let them happen. Smile more. Turn of f the TV, let go of media, connect in person face to face.

Talk, share, read a book. Take a bath. Get a massage. Have a special get together or a meal. Go for a walk or a ride. See some thing new. Go somewhere you have wanted to go Be with another or be alone.

Live. Laugh. Love. Let Go and enjoy today for no reason but that you can. Be kind to yourself and to others.” Rex Sikes

Keep spreading the joy around!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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