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you must dive for the pearls

“Today, I want to share with you some great advice and useful suggestions to help you learn to grow and develop faster in your career and in life.  Fill your mind every day with the best thoughts.  Immerse yourself in a positive world.  You will more easily and readily make the changes you want to make when your thoughts and feelings are inspired.

Here is how you can do it. Read!  You should be reading everyday. Pick the best, the most inspiring, motivational books and articles you can. Every single day you should read at least a page so that you consistently fill your mind with powerful positive thoughts and ideas. Of course, you can read more but no less than a page a day! Start reading!

Listen to positive audios at home or while driving to continue this process. Listening is another great way to stimulate your mind. You can find lots of positive talks and clips to listen or watch online too. These are practical and powerful ways to utilize books and audio programs to achieve your goals. All around you are are wonderful transformational support materials to help you move forward.

Read and re-read the materials again and again. Keep exposing and re-exposing your mind to these positive sources and messages. Listen again and again to. Understanding, positive change and habits are formed by repeating successful behaviors successfully. Correct repetition builds the skill. You deepen your understanding of the concepts and materials.

Persist, keep at it and you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life. Nourish yourself.  It is healthy daily food for your positive mental health. A little bit of the right stuff each day goes a long, long way.

When you read or listen to audio programs take notes. Write these out by hand. Do not use the computer. Actually write them out. When you write you use and develop new neural pathways important for your positive development. You don’t and can’t do this when you type. So take notes on paper not on the computer.

repetition is the mother of skill

The tiny finger movements you use when writing positively stimulate the neo-cortex and stimulate the brain to make new neural connections which help us evolve. It is a good practice is to re-read your notes from time to time.

It is a great practice is to re-write your notes every so often. You will gain new insights and deepen your understanding. Then as your understanding deepens again re-write your notes. Find new ways to express the ideas.You will again have new insights.

This really helps accelerate your growth because you make it your own. When you really know it and understand it you live more fully from it. You will find these practices increase your ability to visualize and helps you keep your self talk positive. This is because you are revisiting it again and again in your mind and continually clarifying it.

This helps you stay focused on what you want to be, do or have. You remain more inspired and motivated. You can see opportunities you previously missed. You more readily apply what you learn to accomplishing your dreams and goals.

Keep preparing and maintaining the soil of your mind. Make it fertile, plant seeds and nurture the growth day by day. Remember, we become what we think about most of the time. We get what we focus on. So make it a habit to read daily, listen to positive audios and take notes.

There you have it. Read, Listen and Take Notes. Then Re-read and re-write your notes from time to time.  These two practices will help skyrocket your ability to make positive and lasting changes that make your life more incredible! If you’d like more positive results begin these practices today!” Rex Sikes

Have a fabulous day!

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