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“I’m driving with my daughter one evening when all the dash warning lights go off. I don’t lose power or lights but the alerts went off. Later, they went off again. I called my mechanic to discover the garage had permanently shut down between visits, without notice.

I loved my mechanics. They were wonderful. However, the owners shut everything down without notifying them in advance either. Okay, I seem to have a need and I am without a trusted garage. No problems with the car but the warning lights go off a few times.

Every couple of days. Might be a short. Doesn’t seem to effect anything but I don’t want to press my luck. Then, I loaned the car to my daughter who called to say it was driving funny. It was a Saturday night. She brought the car home and it had no brakes. WOW!

All Good Things Come To The Person Who Believes – Have Faith

I really needed a mechanic. I called a friend who said he had a friend who was a mechanic and who would take good care of me. Meanwhile, I researched what might be wrong with the brakes. I called a few shops nearby telling them what I discovered.

They couldn’t quote it but said, most likely it was expensive. Okay, I prepared to shell out if I must, but obviously, who wants to and I didn’t. I take the car to my friends garage this morning. I meet the gentleman who says ‘let me take a look’. He does. He tells me to wait.

He says it might take 20 minutes or longer, depending. 20 minutes later it is fixed. Great! I ask what I owe. He says, ‘You don’t owe me anything. Glad I could help.’ WOW. Really great! I found my new mechanic, BUT I wouldn’t have, had I not had the problem. Get it?

Another Name For Faith Is Trust – Trust It Will All Work Out

I could have looked and searched for good reliable mechanics but I hadn’t yet. The pressing brake issue meant now I had to.  I should have when the alerts went off. Which by the way, never have since. If they do I know where I will take my car. Universe provides! Get it?

When problems arise, expected or unexpected, it is normal and easy to think negative thoughts. We have been conditioned to worry and have fears or doubts. THAT is precisely when we need to shift to the positive thinking and feeling. That is when we need to trust. Get it?

Inside every adversity is a seed of equal opportunity. When my other garage had closed I thought, ‘okay, now for something equal of even better’. I just didn’t make it a priority at that time. I put it out there that I needed a new mechanic. Then, I got a worse the problem.

Count Your Blessing – Things Always Work Out For The Best

AND it wasn’t really even a problem. It didn’t cost me anything and I found a great new mechanic. I am blessed. I called my friend and got a tip on how to gift the new mechanic. I went, purchased a gift, returned and gave it to him. The look I got back was worth it!

How cool. He gifted me with free service. I gifted him with something I found out he would like. He feels good and I feel good! I felt great giving the gift. While it may, or may not, be true that everything happens for a reason, I prefer to think that it does. That way everything IS a blessing to be grateful for, even, if at first it doesn’t appear to be one. I am blessed. You are blessed. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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