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“I am an actor. I love to pretend. I can pretend anything and master it. That is what acting is all about. Acting as if your character and the story is real. Being believable by believing it. Thinking the thoughts the character is thinking. I love being an actor. I love pretending.

‘Act As If’ it is real  – is a tool for creation. Imagine the good you desire as though you already are in possession of it. Visualize yourself  already as the person you wish to become. Pretend it! When you do you ‘trick’ the brain. It doesn’t know the difference.

Doing this aligns your inner resources. It helps realize your desires to make them crystal clear. You infuse your dreams with energy, passion and enthusiasm. You rehearse living your desires right now. You enact, what it IS like, by acting what it will be like right now!

To Enjoy Success One Must Travel In Advance Of The World

You think, feel and act as you would think, feel and act when you have what you want. You train your brain and your entire being to accept that this IS who you are and what you have. You live from power and ownership of the good you desire instead of hoping for it.

Use pretending, use ‘act as if’, to give yourself the edge to make your dreams come true. Athletes know the advantage visualization and mental rehearsal gives them, at the micro-muscle level, to improve their performance. Many testify to this incredible power.

Use it. Prepare your mind and your being to accept what you want to have. Living from having it, from being there, helps you clear blocks and limitations. It helps you to plan and know what action steps to take to get your goal. You prepare the soil for the seeds to grow.

To Know And Not To Do Is To Not Actually Know – Apply It

You can read all about it but unless you do it, you won’t know it. Application is the proper fruit of knowledge. You must do it to know the benefit of doing it. Don’t delay. Begin today. Be grateful for all you have now and will have. Practice gratitude because that further helps unlock the floodgates. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Notice all the good things about your life today and enjoy!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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