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“You have been talking to yourself and saying things to yourself for years and years. You have been repeating many of the ‘same old things’, perhaps, for decades. You have been telling others, too. You have, haven’t you? You have been repeating a story you tell to all.

Your story is what you think you and life are all about. You tell yourself and others your limitations, problems, setbacks, dashed hopes, worries, anxieties and everything else! Don’t you? My guess is, while some things change, much of your story remains the same.

It is consistent. It is why you are stuck, broken, limited and unable in to move ahead. Yes, at times you may mention your personal resources. Regardless, you, I and everyone, have been repeating stories about ourselves since our childhood. We need to watch it.

What You Say Is What You Get – What You Focus On Expands

The stories may or may not be real. I say they aren’t. Some will argue that. These stories are our reasons, our ‘becauses’, our ‘whys’ for what is. They’re explanations we got from others when we were too young to know the difference. We’ve lived with these for years.

Now, is the time to change your story. If the one you tell doesn’t support you in being the person you want to be, doing the things you’d like to do and having what you want, then it is time to stop telling the old non-supportive story. Swap it for a supportive one.

Make up a new one. The old one was made up. It’s just a fairy tale you believed. Make up a better one; one that is positive, productive, supportive and which helps you live the life you want to live. Change your story for one that works for you, instead of against you.

If You Say What You Have – You Will Have What You Say

The time to do this is right now. There is no better time. Now, is the only time. Do it. Don’t wait. Waste time, no more. Get into it and create the story and the life you want to be living. If you won’t, no one will do it for you. Create your life and make it happen. Yes!

Then you will live the life you design. You will live life on your terms. Tell it the way you want it to be. Tell it as you want it to unfold. Speak it into existence. Re-write your history and fashion your future. Create what you want instead of accepting someone else’s version. Do it! Live, love, laugh. Learn to enjoy. Be grateful. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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