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“There is a reason you have a mind. You can think, imagine, analyze, learn, discover, plan, create and review. You are blessed with incredible power within you. How you use it determines what you get. If you use little you get little. If you focus on bad you get bad.

It is completely up to you whether or not you direct your mind to success, happiness, peace and well-being or at something else. It is up to you whether you are positive, powerful, optimistic a victor and champion or fearful, worried, angry, sad and a victim. Its your choice.

You may not have realized it, up until now, but it is YOUR choice what you do with what you have. Others can’t do it for you. If you don’t learn to use it to your best advantage you will suffer the consequences. If you learn to use it well you will greatly benefit.

Condition Yourself – You Will Get The Situation You Prepare For 

Let’s say for a moment, if you use it to your advantage and you didn’t get everything you wanted but you got some of it, you’d be better off than otherwise, right? So learn to use it well. You may be surprised that you benefit more than you can presently imagine. It is up to you.

The major key is in this quote. What are you preparing for? What have you prepared for? You will get whatever you prepare for. So be wise about it. ‘If one asks for success but prepares for failure, he will get the situation he prepares for.’ Florence Scovel Shinn. Get it?

No athlete would ever plan or prepare to lose. Yet, millions of people in everyday walks of life never plan to win. They hope and wish but they don’t do what is necessary to create success and happiness. If you want to be a champion, condition yourself and act like one!

Plan For Success – Think Positive – Act As If It Is Already Yours

If you fear failure, think sad and worried thoughts you are preparing. Worry is negative goal setting. You will not disappoint yourself. You will get what you prepare for. You get what you focus on. You get back what you put out. You must plan and believe in your success!

Use your mind to create your best life ever! That is why I created Mind Design™ to assist you. It is fun and it is powerful. Even if you don’t sign up for Mind Design™ learn to take charge of yourself! ? Begin today. Practice gratitude. Transform yourself. Plan for success and good things. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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DO YOU WANT MENTORING AND COACHING ? Those interested in learning more, come join me now in Mind Design™! Send email or leave comments, but reach out NOW! New programs available.

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