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“Your self talk and your internal images have a big effect on how you feel. Your self talk, your thoughts greatly effect what you are able to notice around you, and how your life goes. These determine whether you enjoy a full wonderful life or not.

So take control and only speak that which you want to create. Control them so that you focus on  that which you want to be, do and have. Be wise! Treat yourself nicely. Thoughts become words, words become actions. Start with wonderful thoughts. 

Speak only words to yourself AND out loud to others that Bless, Prosper and Heal and your world will change so much for the better you will be amazed. Delight, success, enjoyment, overcoming difficulty, fun, is all in you hands. Actually, you think it, you speak it, you create it.

It IS Magical!  Remember always – You get and you become what you focus on and think about most of the time through out your days.” Rex Sikes

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