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“If you are truly dedicated to changing your life for the better you will be listing the people who you are grateful for and you will be finding new ones every day. No one is too insignificant nor too important to not get listed.

Each day people can contribute to us in numerous different ways and learning to recognize this and validate this is an important step toward making your life more wonderful. People are our greatest resources and there are many reasons to celebrate each of them.

If you are dedicated to making your life more positive then you also have been recounting the people whom you have benefited and the ways in which you have made a positive impact on each. Since none of us live completely alone we interact with others.

Communication is a two way street. I am suggesting you look for the wins. Your wins and theirs. The more you look for mutual cooperation and benefit the more you will find it.

gratitude is the attitude that propels you forward

Keep at it these are great exercises to increase your ability to notice and celebrate the positive contributions of others and your own. Make examination and appreciation a daily habit. Fill your mind, your heart with all good things.

You will transform more quickly when you feel grateful more and more each moment. When you feel blessed not matter what you are living the good life and making good things happen.

Today examine the situations and events in your life that have brought you to today. Anything at all which has led you here that you can look on and begin to appreciate if you don’t already. Think of your life as a road map to today and all the crossroads and landmarks and places you have seen along the way.

Celebrate these, appreciate these whether they were delightful or challenging at the time. Think of them as stepping stones and each of them is important. Look and see that in each case you made decisions that determined outcomes and no matter what those outcomes were (or are) you are here, and that means you have succeeded in many ways.

No matter whether the past was good or not so good you have succeeded. You did the best you could at the time with the information you had then and you carried on.

forgive yourself for not knowing

Some events may have been troubling others wonderful. Begin to recount them all and look at them with new eyes. See them as reasons to celebrate, lessons learned, challenges overcome, blessings in disguise, opportunities waiting to happen.

Inventory and appreciate. The past is gone and a person can live in regret over what they are now no longer to change or a person can find the good, whatever that may be, from the past and appreciate it for brining them into the present.

You survived whatever it was no matter how terrible or tough. Right there, this is reason to be thankful. Find new meaning in past and even present situations that lead you to think and feel differently. Every cloud has a silver lining and remember it is always darkest before the dawn.

When you celebrate and are really thankful for everything you create space to invite more good things, people, situations, events, opportunities to flow your way. One reason for this is because when you adjust your attitude and your thinking you DO see and consider things differently.

When you are feeling wonderful, positive, optimistic, confident and powerful, when life is delightful you notice more than you do when you are just okay or feeling down.

train your mind to see good

Through these posts I have discussed ways I have found to feel and think better and create the future you want to have. The journey is the process it is all we have at the moment. The future while it may be assured is still in the creation process so all we have is now.

In this moment it is most desirable to learn to feel grand. In this moment enjoy and raise your energy up. In this moment feel wonderful because as you do more of these feelings come your way. YOU open the flood gates for more to follow.

When you are able to recognize value in whatever life throws your way, when you are able to see seeds of positivity and opportunity, when you are able to maintain your focus and your feelings no matter what goes on around you then you are becoming the person in charge on your own life.

Then you are making good things happen. Then you are really able to make lemonade out of lemons instead of it being a trite little saying. When you can recognize good in all and feel wonderful, or the very best you are able, no matter what life brings you then you are on top of things.

gratitude magnet

How do you get there. Step by step. It is in all the little things we do each day. It is in these exercises and in making them a habit. When once we form positive habits for thinking and feeling our life has a wonderful positive energy of its own. We become our own master instead of thoughts or others dictating how we feel and behave.

Celebration and appreciation are powerful allies and tools. Utilize these to make your life the life you want to have. Utilize these to create yourself as the person you have always wanted to become. Each day take a step or two or three in being and doing and having what you want most. You can do this. Keep on doing it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

May your day be most amazing!

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UPDATE: Visit rexsikes.com for programs and more. Plus a free gift!

PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms


“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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