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The Great Law is The Law Of Cause and Effect. Whatever you put out you get back in return. Whatever you are, and do, in the mirror is reflected back to you. You get back who you are! So whatever you want, you must be it first. Then, you will get it back in plenty.

If you want happiness, be happy. If you want wealth, be wealthy. If you want health, be healthy. If you want confidence, be confident. Whatever you are, you get back in return. Results follow mindset. You think it into being as we do all things. We create results.

Tangible items flow from ideas. That is how anything that exists in the human world came about. Even money is a human made idea translated into practice. You create it in your mind and you make it happen in the real world. You cause the effects. You make it so.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right

Mindset first. From within to without is how it works. Fashion a positive and powerful mindset. Act as if you already are what you want to be. Act as if you already do what you want to do. REHEARSE in other words. Act as if you already have what you want to have.

Then you will bring these about. YOU direct your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It isn’t magic, nor is it wishing. It is you concentrating your personal power to change your circumstances! YOU transform situations. YOU prevail and you persist. YOU live as a victor and champion, not as a victim or a wimp. It is YOU doing it. It originates within you. SO be glad. Be grateful. Take charge and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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