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If you don't know where you want to end copy

“People ask me, ‘What can I do to transform my experience into something more wonderful?’ That is an excellent question. I am going to ask you a question in return and I would like you to actually entertain it. Think about the answer. Dwell on it a while.

Imagine the answer as fully as you are able. Let it  come to you. I am going to ask this of you in the first person.

What if, for a half hour each day, I went inside and imagined living the perfect life?  What if I imagined my life as I always hoped it would be? What if I really got in touch with how good  it feels to see myself as I have always wanted to be and to experience my life working out for the best?   What if, for a half hour each day, I imaged this fully and spent time enjoying myself feeling these incredible positive feelings?

Consider This – Imagine This

I am my ideal self.

I am confident and charming. I feel good and I look good. I have the body I always knew I could have. I have vitality and energy, charisma and power. I am comfortable, poised, energetic and relaxed.

What would this be like? What if I had perfect health and well being? What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

I live in the house I want to live in. It is exactly to my liking.  It is a  wonderful home in just the kind of neighborhood I like. It is impeccably decorated, simple, stylish, bold. It is completely me.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

I drive the best car. My favorite car. I get a lot of pleasure from owning this. I wear the best kind of clothes that are in my style and I have the nicest things. I embody good taste.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

Imagine This Fully

I eat the finest healthy food. I am healthy and wealthy. I bask in the glow of health and wealth. I work with the finest people around me. I love what I do and feel fulfilled.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

I am surrounded by people who love me. Family, friends, loved ones, meaningful people, I am at ease and comfortable being alone or with others.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

I am a light to the world. I am positive and powerful. I am happy, joyous, successful, loving and kind. I celebrate and enjoy life. I smile and laugh. I am open and available.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

I am authentic there is no mask to hide behind what you see is what you get.

I let go of past mistakes and move on. I live in the present creating a marvelous future. I am powerful, strong, well-off, worthy and deserving of all good things. All good things are mine.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

Everything Works Together For Good

I focus on solutions. I focus on what I can learn and that which I am able to do. I am in charge of myself. I take control of my thoughts and my feelings. I am responsible for having the kind of life I want. If it is to be it is up to me.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

I am abundance. I am a positive creator and create a positive, happy, successful, powerful lifestyle. I enjoy the best of everything. I am grateful and appreciate everything in my life. I am blessed and joyful. I am confident and secure.

What would this be like? How much would I enjoy feeling this way?

How would I feel if I spent more time focused on thoughts and images like these? What if I did this everyday? What if throughout the day I made these mental images and enjoyed the feelings that come with these?

You Can Do This – Focus On What You Want

See it in your mind first and you can then make it a reality. Chose to focus on the best. Let go of the past. Don’t get caught up in the present circumstances or difficulties but focus on what you want. Think positive and enjoy positive feelings.

The more you feel good the more you will feel good. Imagine what you want, create it for yourself, and make it happen. You can do it. If you can’t spend a half hour, how about 20 minutes? How about 5 dedicated minutes twice a day? Imagine that you could spend a dedicated amount of time  for yourself daily so that you could think, feel and be your very best. What if you did? How marvelous would that be?” Rex Sikes

Have a beautiful day?

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PSS  A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised.

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