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“It’s hard for people to understand free speech. It isn’t free. You have to assert your right to be heard in many cases. Sometimes, you have to make some noise. Sometimes, you must protest. You’re supposed to have free,  protected speech, but it isn’t always . There’s a cost.

Something else about free speech: you have to take the good with the bad, the equal with the unequal.  You may not like what another says, but they have the same right to say it, as you do. You both have the right to disagree. Both, or all, viewpoints are protected.

Not just the viewpoint you, or I, think should be protected. There are things you can’t say or do, or that are not guaranteed or protected. The U S government places a few restrictions on speech. Know what these restrictions are. Otherwise, most things can be said.

Most Important: If You Insist On Talking Then You Should Listen

There are consequences to free speech. You may say something others won’t like. You may be ostracized for the position you hold. At one time the US media had a fair and balanced practice. Both viewpoints are supposed to get equal time. Not true today.

I think the biggest issue is learning to listen. Withhold  judgement and just listen. Before reacting or disagreeing hear the other side out. Learn something first. Evaluate what is said in light of accurate evidence. This means actually seek out accurate evidence. Get it?

Forego yours, and others, opinions. Seek accuracy. Listen, learn and be able to freely discuss the merits of a position. Be able to assess the pros and cons. Seek to find agreement. Seek to build relationships through your freedom and your speech. Find ways to uplift even when disagreeing. Keep in mind what you resist, persists. Elevate the playing field. Rise high. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Photo @2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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