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“In the last blog I asked, “What seems to make the difference?” In this blog we’ll explore the answer. The mind. Your mind. You either believe it or don’t. It’s either possible or it isn’t. You either can or you can’t. Thinking makes it so. Because you can’t see it and don’t believe it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but for you it doesn’t. At least, for now. Change your thinking and everything can change.

Abundance is. You either experience it in your head and heart space or you don’t. If you don’t, you don’t. Even when surrounded by abundance. Oftentimes we can’t find our keys, phones or glasses when they may be right in front of us or held in our hand. If you are unaware, you are unaware until you aren’t. You don’t notice what you don’t notice until you notice, you hadn’t noticed it. Notice this!

Change your thoughts, attitude and beliefs and you can begin to experience unlimited abundance, infinite possibilities, opportunities and resources. It begins in the imagination, with an idea. Even if it hasn’t seemed possible or you haven’t experienced the good you wanted in the past, it doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t in the future if you make certain changes. Why? Because the past doesn’t exist.

Except in your mind. You think it does. Your thinking keeps it alive and keeps it affecting you. Drop the past. Abandon what you don’t want. Learn from it and let it go. It’s only a thought you are hanging on to. Yes, it seems real because thoughts are impulses that release chemicals in the body producing feelings. If the feelings are unwanted, rest assured your thinking stinks. Change your thinking.

Get this! Transform the energy. Imagine a different way to be and become it. That’s how everything comes to be. Create the present and future you want. It begins with the idea and the possibility. Realize this. Grow into this awareness. Reflect on how you could be different if you were to think things differently. Realize, if it is to be it is up to ‘ME.’ Enough for now. More next time. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

More in my next blog and others. Stay tuned. Prepare to transform!




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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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