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“Everyone has flaws. Rather than see these as flaws a better frame of mind is to see them as opportunities for you to change and transform for the better. Those things that annoy you about another  are there to help you let go of past issues and resentments.

Whether true or not, it is a great and powerful reframe. Instead of blaming others and making excuses you take charge of yourself and shift to the better. The choice, of course, is always yours. One direction is decrease and blame. The other increase and expansion.

That said, you can decide whose company you keep. I prefer to be surrounded by people who uplift, vibe high are positive and optimistic. Yet, sometimes family or close friends are not that kind of person. That’s why the reframe is perfect for those people. Get it?

Positivity And Good Feelings Are Contagious – Spread The Good 

Whenever possible, and without creating issues, choose people in your life who are positive and who walk their talk. You should walk the talk too! Whom you choose to be surrounded by says much about who you are and what you’re wiling to be influenced by.

Walk the walk. Aim to live from a higher standard not a lower. Be 100% accountable and responsible for your thoughts, decisions and actions. Choose to be a better example for others not a lessor one. When you uplift, are positive and optimistic, support others  and vibe high, you and your world transforms. It all happens within you not on the outside. Remember this. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

STOP STRUGGLING – START CREATING YOUR BEST LIFE! Discover how easy it is! Join me in Mind Design™

Enroll In Mind Design™  Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

“I’ve spent over 30 years seeking out the top experts in human performance. There is nothing I’ve found that comes close to Mind Design. It is the ultimate life enhancement experience!” Michael Halbfish, Lawyer, Bethlehem PA

Infographic ©2019  Rex Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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