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“Feel delighted as you say, ‘I am learning how to be centered. I am learning how to stay centered. I am learning to control my attention I am beginning the process of focusing on what I want. I am beginning to think more positive.’ Feelings run everything. They do!

‘I am learning to enjoy thinking positive. I think positive and I am positive. I am able to calm myself and stay centered. I am learning to take control and enjoy my abilities.’  The feelings are the drivers! The feelings are what gets the subconscious attention. They really do!

The feelings are more important than the words!  When we are worried, anxious, stressed or angry it is the feeling, more than the words, that the brain responds to. The same is true of feelings  and positive affirmations. In reality, we are always affirming and feeling.

You Can Have Anything You Want Just Give Up Believing You Can’t

The question is what are we feeling and what are we affirming? This is important to understand. In this case you choose to switch or swap out negative feeling affirmations for positive ones. Affirm what you want while feeling the best you can. That is what makes it work.

You will get the hang of it. Take it a bit at a time. Step by step, bit by bit, inch your way into success. You’ll succeed soon enough if you will just  keep at it. Do it once or twice daily but do it! Do this as I have describe for a couple minutes morning and night. Easy enough.

Do it for a minimum or 30, 60 or 90 days. Just a tiny bit of improvement, just 1% positive change, and you will become 90% better at managing thoughts and emotions than you are today. Yes, you can do it a extra times or whenever you want during the day.

Your Past Was A Lesson Not A Life Sentence – Learn New Things

If you feel you need to do it another time, do it. Do it no matter what! Do it during good times and bad times. Do it whether you feel like it or not. Champion athletes don’t always feel like working out but they do anyway. They know the value of commitment. They do!

Get an accountability partner who will help see you through each day to make sure you continue. STAY WITH IT and never quit! You will surprise and delight yourself as you make it a habit. Start easy and enjoy it! Make it fun. Look forward to doing it. AND you will!

Celebrate it. Feel silly. That’s okay. At times you may be angry or upset.  That is okay. You can be mad and say I am learning to be calm dammit! JUST decide this, and this is most important, decide what it is it YOU want to create EACH moment? What do you want?

The More We Do The More We Can Do – Feel Better And Better

IF IT IS TO FEEL GOOD then FEEL GOOD. It is up to you to do it. If you decided you want to drive to the store and no one drives you then you must make the drive yourself to get what you want. It’s exactly the same here. YOU DO IT! Don’t expect it to happen to you.

When finished saying your declarations or watching your breath take a moment and just feel grateful. Acknowledge your progress. This helps you move forward swiftly. Then write down at least three things, circumstance and people you feel grateful for. What only 3?

During my programs I encourage participants to write down 25 things you are grateful for each day. Journal them. Keep the list. Look for things that are good and new; opportunities and new blessings. Find what you already have that you can appreciate.

What You Think You Become – What You Feel You Attract

Do this nightly. Make it a ritual and you will create positive new habits that serve you well. Remember a snail’s pace is fine just remain committed and consistent. Less can be more. Simple can be the best. Gratitude and persistence the key. Celebrate everything!’ Rex Sikes

Have a blessed day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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