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“There are times when we become transfixed, focused, and obsessed with less than glorious thoughts and ideas. These occupy our mind, distract us from what is important, and keep us awake worried, fearful, sad or angry. What to do when the mind runs on and on?

Realize it is doing what it does! Whatever you’re think ing may not be pertinent, just old tapes running, but it may include feedback that is important to recognize. Don’t just dismiss. Be willing to look at what it may be trying to tell you. It is getting your attention!

So, there may be something valuable you need to know or do. Perhaps, it is getting you to change something or implement something that will overall be positive for you and others. It’s protecting you even though it may not seem like it. Get it?

Learn To Crush Manifesting And Skyrocket Abundance!

So, look into it. Be willing to examine it and learn from it. Listen, look and learn. Then let go. Once you get then message, if there is one, it may all slow down or cease on its own. But if not, there are things you can begin to do to get relief and feel better almost right away!

Stop trying to stop it. It’s doing what it does, albeit full steam. Instead redirect it. Redirect your focus and attention. Gently shift away. You may need to do this frequently. In the same way you need to repeat rewarding an animal you’re training to do what you want!

It is wild and you want to direct it. So, take it gently. Breathe a lot. Deep slow breaths. Let go. When troubling thoughts arise stop, breath and shift your attention. Focus on gratitude. Shift away gently to things you appreciate and stay focused on what you enjoy.

Crush Manifesting And Direct Your Brain Toward Good

Put your attention on what you love and are thankful for! Nurture yourself. Love yourself. Gently encourage yourself. You will gain control over the nagging, raging self-talk by repeatedly, consistently redirecting you attention, your mind and thoughts to the positive.

It may take some time so also do things that make you feel better. Take a bath, a nap, meditate, listen to music. Fill your mind with positive thoughts by reading or listening to inspirational material. Walk in nature. Pay attention to the beauty. You can do this!

Read my book. There are numerous methods and practices to help you do this and so much more. Everything becomes a blessing when you learn to celebrate everything. So, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Read my book Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want for many more powerful practices and ideas to live happily and successfully. It’s an especially important book during tough times. Read it in advance of difficult times to be prepared or during tough times to know what to do and what not to do to get better results!

Read Life on Your Terms and make good things happen. Available at Amazon in book or kindle. Get it today! Here’s the link:


“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D., CEO, Scheele Learning Systems and co-founder of Learning Strategies Corporation


Meet Paul Scheele,  an amazing thought leader, innovator, educator, influencer, entrepreneur and good guy.. He developed Photoreading and a variety of other programs to help people create a good life, health and more wealth. From Minneapolis. Book or Kindle available at Amazon.

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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