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“It isn’t cool to gloat over the trials and tribulations of anyone. Nor is it cool to further kick someone when down or when they screw up. We all can stand to learn this. Hopefully, we can be sensitive to others when they are going through tough times, friends or foe.

It isn’t for us to judge.  Most of the time, the worst moments of our lives are our most powerful, defining moments. We only discover this when looking back on them. Unless, one is wise enough to realize everything is a blessing, if we choose to view it that way.

Speed bumps in individual life and collective lives are evidence of evolution and change. Not much more, really. We change, we grow, we rise, we fall. Hopefully, we get up again, because we can. It is in getting up that we learn our strength and our tenacity.

Encourage Believe And Love Yourself – Never Lose Faith In You

Prevail by persisting. Face the demons. Face Goliath and conquer him. Whatever holds you back, whatever the limitations in thought, feelings, actions, know how or skills, won’t stop you if you don’t let it. Keep moving in the direction to getting your goals. Make it happen.

Help others when they need it. Be willing to lend an assisting or supportive hand to friend, stranger or foe. Do the same for yourself. Be your own best, non-judgmental friend. Encourage yourself. Give yourself a friendly pat on the back and a kind word. Do the same for others, too. Consider all a blessing and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Day 3 today! Check out this wonderful summit on wealth I am a part of! My segment comes up August 6th. Be sure to watch and listen!

The Gold Within You – How to Release Money Blocks, Elevate Your Wealth Consciousness and Attract Money Like Crazy!

You can register, for FREE, using this link. You can watch from anywhere!

***  STILL NEED MORE HELP – Create your best life ever!  ***

CLICK TO WATCH  Create Your Best Life With Rex Sikes


MENTORING AND COACHING CANDIDATES, and those interested in learning more, come join me. Programs available.

Celebrate yourself and others today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch!

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