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Disney If You Can Dream It

“Did you see the Oscars 2017. I enjoyed it. If you missed it you missed a fun show with lot’s of live happenings. I posted to Facebook my list of lessons from this year’s Oscars. I decided to include it here. While written somewhat in jest I do think we can learn a lot to apply.

Here is what we can learn from the 2017 Academy Awards Show. Learn from the Oscar mishap and apply the learning to our everyday lives. I think the example is ripe with more than just a few practices to embrace. I only list a few. Enjoy and transform your situations.

1. Not everything goes as expected. Get over it. Go on with grace.

2. Surprises and shocks, delights and disappointments are part of it.

3. It is an Academy Award show. It is about glamour, friends, talent, and money. Keep in mind it is an Academy Award Show. It is a show!

4. It is an AWARD show. It’s LIVE – real time. If everything and everyone were included it would last longer. There will be omissions. People complain. Enjoy what is there! Lighten up! It’s the Oscars

5. Not everyone likes or cares for the same things. So what? Enjoy.

6. It is a celebration! Keep that in mind. Criticism is an easy out.

7. Mistakes are mistakes. Remember the positive outcome. Learn.

8. Cut everyone some slack. It is what it is. Have fun. It’s Oscars!

9. Don’t rain on other’s parades. It’s an awards show. Celebrate!

10. Rectify mistakes with integrity. Do the right thing quickly. Don’t hesitate! Be willing to lose if you must. Celebrate others who win.

BONUS LESSON: IT IS AN AWARD SHOW!! It’s purpose is recognition and edification. Are there other reasons for it. Yes, so what! Let people come together to pat each other on the back. Why do I repeat so often? SO we remember to keep it in mind! Laugh!

Well that’s it. Have fun. Enjoy life. Offer credit where credit is due. Acknowledge, recognize and edify others around you. Celebrate your success, but be sure to celebrate the success of others. When disappointed accept it with grace and go on. Walk the talk. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Live, Learn, Love and Laugh!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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