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“Most people misunderstand the notion of turning the other cheek.  It is not so someone can do more violence to you. It is about NOT perpetuating violence. It is about ending violence and finding freedom to respond in new, different and more productive ways.

It is learning to respond rather than react. It means you have a choice. You can pause and decide how you would like to respond and not  be driven to rash behaviors. You can take the notion literally or metaphorically. It is up to you how you put it into action.

Just as forgiveness is for the forgiver more than it is for the forgiven person. Forgiveness allows YOU to let go and no longer be consumed with thoughts of revenge or resentment. Forgiveness frees you to move on. Turning the other cheek frees you similarly.

If You Really Want To Do Something You’ll Find A Way …

Here is an example that happens to a lot of us, sometimes almost daily. You’re driving. Someone gives you the finger. What do you, or at least most people, feel compelled to do back? What do you want to do or discover yourself doing?  You give the finger back. Harder!

Even if you didn’t want to or mean to. There was no choice. It is just  a knee-jerk reaction. They give one, you give one back! ‘Take that, a’hole!’ Right? To turn the other cheek means you have thought out how to respond rather than just giving it right back to them.

You take a pause, a reflection. You have a choice point. You make a decision. It means you are free from knee-jerk reactions. The other person may not be. The other person is whomever they are. You let it go. You let the grievance go. You let resentment go. You let them go.

… If You Don’t Really Want To Do It You Will Find An Excuse

It is about your freedom. It is about ending the violence. You can’t be responsible for the other person but you can be and are responsible for yourself. It is not about making yourself a punching bag. That is where people have it wrong. They misunderstand, but you don’t have to. Move forward. Find the good in all. Look for the blessings not the injuries. This is how you begin to live an incredible life. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Royalty free, public domain photo used.

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