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“Your do your part. That means, you do it. You think it, feel it and take action.  You do what you can do. You have faith that it will happen. You trust and continue  doing those things that move you forward. You know what you are responsible for your success!

You also know you are only responsible for what you can control. You know there are things you can’t control. You don’t put your faith in luck or mysticism, or winning the lottery to succeed, you put it in yourself, your abilities, and what you can control. And then, let go.

Trust! You trust that your thoughts, feelings, vibes and actions have instigated the process and you follow through, adjusting the plan, being flexible as needed. Just as you plant a seed in the ground and water it, you do your part. The plant growing, is not up to you, Get it?

Skill Comes Of Doing – Let Go And Let God – Develop Certainty

You trust nature to take care of the seed growing, You can’t control it. You can only plant and nurture it. Growing is out of your hands. So you release that and only focus on your part. The same is true with your success. You don’t do more than your part. You can’t. Get it?

You align with others who succeed and help nurture their success. You appreciate and cheer them on. You don’t envy. It isn’t a zero-sum game that some like to play. There are no losers. A rising tide lifts the whole boat. You never succeed alone. No person is an island.

Do your part. Co-operate with others. Enjoy life. Live, love, laugh. Be flexible. You can always find or create a way. Adjust as necessary and continue. If you don’t quit eventually you’ll get there. So do your part, trust yourself, let go of control, and trust the rest will happen.

The More We Do The More We Become Capable Of Doing – Trust

Let go. All of it is a blessing. Learn from mistakes. Forge a will of steel and enjoy. Delight in the process. Them more you enjoy it, the easier it is. Step by step you get closer and closer. Keep the faith. Develop yourself. Help others. Grow your gratitude. Keep learning and you will do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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