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“With so many difficulties people face in the world, war, poverty, starvation, discrimination, hatred, territorial mentality, them against us and more, it’s important to remember each of us can help make the world a more glorious place for all. You can make a difference!

We can become the change we want to be in the world. One by one we may change the world. Drop by drop the tub fills. Step by step a journey of a thousand miles is made. We can transform this world but only when we take positive action. We must change ourselves.

First, we must put our mindset right. Get our head and our heart aligned,. We need to become more loving and compassionate to our own selves and each other. Not just our family and friends but strangers and those different than us too. We love and accept.

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

When you select affirmations it helps to look for the examples in your everyday life. Look for how things are good and abundant. Look for smiles, positivity and enjoyment. Find people and things you are grateful for. Be dedicated and stick with it.

Be willing to change, uplevel and evolve. Seek the good and emphasize it even when surrounded by the not so good. What we focus on is important and if we want positive change we must focus on what is already positive. Accentuate it. Celebrate it because when we do we discover more. The floodgates begin to open and we notice our lives changing because we are changing our attitude. Celebrate everything!”


Available at Amazon world-wide! Get it today. Create your best life!

“Rex Sikes’ book Life On Your Terms is brilliant! It offers cutting-edge tools that take  you to another level. It’s a practical manual with a fresh take on personal growth and  transformation that’s infused with love, wisdom, and some truly innovative ideas. I am reading it daily and it’s changing my life. Not only do I feel a shift in consciousness but I have been waking up happier. This book offers hope to anyone who has lost their way in life.“ – Lydia Cornell, Actor, Too Close For Comfort


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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