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“It is forever and always up to you. This quote from Rumi is important to keep in mind. “It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” Only you can make the difference for yourself. Only you can take action and change things.

I am pleased I could help connect people with a powerful resource. I’ve shared the amazing book ‘Why They Buy’. People have been emailing and calling me who bought the book to tell me reading it and using it is changing them and their lives. Fantastic! YES!!

That’s why I shared it. Congratulations! Kudos to those who took action, took charge, made the decision, and bought the book. They now know what the others who haven’t, don’t. They walk alone with this knowledge. The others walk alone too without the knowledge.

Wisdom Doesn’t Come Easy – It Comes At A Cost

It isn’t whether you buy the book or not. It’s about the action you take. Some sit and wait or do nothing. Is that you? Others take charge and move full steam ahead. Which are you? No one can walk the road for you. It is up to you. Are you proactive or reactive?

I provided an example using ‘Why They Buy’. I’ll include the link below if you want to get it at 50% discount. Whether, or not,  you get the book, isn’t the point. The question is what happens when you’re faced with the decision. What goes off in your head? Get it?

Why do you or don’t you? You have reasons, for or not for. Which do you listen to most to make important decisions in your life? Do you act and correct along the way? Do you stay put and miss out? Why do you do what you do? Is that getting you what you want?

Exploration Is The Doorway To Adventure – Curiosity The Key

If yes, great keep it up. If not, then it’s time you make some changes. No one can tell you what to do. No one can do it for you. If you want  your life to change, you must change some things in your life. Stop, missing out. Start moving the ball forward toward the goal line,

Here’s the book link: You know what? You can crack your personality code at the same place you can get the book, free. No purchase necessary. Maybe you should crack your code and learn some important things about yourself. Do you think you will? Let’s see. Crack your code! You’ll get a free report on you!

Only you can improve your life. Only you can take action and create the life you deserve. I hope you will. Meantime, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you, and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx🙏”  Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

“Mind Design is a game changer! It is the missing link between LOA, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, EFT & DHE. The support and feedback in the training is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in 14 years of formal practice and 26 years of personal practice. You owe it to yourself and those you care about to look into this training!!” Tim Shay, Musician, Philidelphia, PA


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Enroll In Mind Design™  Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Image ©2019 Rex Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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