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horizons morning-creation-phil-koch

“Do you know people who live beneath their potential? You look at them and you see things, positive things, within them that they do not see. Perhaps, you wonder to yourself, will they ever get it? Will they ever see their true potential? Do you know anyone whom you think this of?

Often, we see in others what is accurate about ourself. It’s called projection. At other times, we miss completely what is true about ourselves but do see it in others. Either way, I’d like to point out that you already have everything within you to have an incredible day.

It is a good day to have a good day.

SO go ahead say it! Say it! Declare it! Decide it will be so AND it will be so. Make the day conform to your will. Be in charge of today. Determine that you will enjoy it no matter what. You will find a way.

Live as an emperor. Because as an emperor you can command it! SO decide you are an emperor in charge of your own life and of your day today. Since you are the emperor declare this day your day to enjoy! Command it.Clap your hands and make it so! Celebrate and delight. Say it is!

Be the victor over your circumstances. Declare it to be so. Affirm it. Make it the way you want it to be. Be positive. Exercise your power. Exercise your authority over your own life. Make it what you want!

What you say is what you get. Make today your day. Don’t wait to feel great say you feel great. Do what it takes to feel great! Smile, affirm, put your chin and chest out and shoulders back. Strut. OR enjoy feeling peaceful.  You decide. You declare. You create it!

Stop being a victim start being a victor. Live with passion, enthusiasm. delight and vigor. Make it a point to enjoy the day and you will. Set a smile on your lips and share it with others. Radiate joy and happiness just because you can.

Then give it away to others! Help them have a good day too. Spread it around because what goes around comes around. You will get back what you put out! Be in charge. Take control. Live it and share it the way you want. Be positive and be powerful. Celebrate and be grateful!” Rex Sikes

Spread the joy around!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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