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“The goal isn’t to just know information. Knowing intellectually is as useful as memorizing a list of streets. So what? If you don’t understand what you ‘know’ so you can apply it, it’s not of value to you. You must know it in your bones. Get to know it in your DNA.

You must sense it. What we aren’t aware of runs the show. Why? Because it is outside our awareness. We can’t do anything about it until we become aware of it. If you don’t know someone is hiding in the bushes ready to pounce on you, what can you do about it?

If you don’t understand what you learn so you can implement it, what good is it? If you don’t implement what you learn, nothing will be different. For your life to change, you must change things in your life. You must become aware, understand what you learn so it’s as automatically available to you as you know your own name.

A Positive Mindset Helps You Think – Feel – And Be Better

You don’t have to think about what you’re called. If someone says,  who are you? You don’t hesitate trying to recall it or figure it out. When it comes to making changes, you want it wired into your subconscious so well, it’s as automatic as knowing your name.

You must learn it and apply it. Do it so often, you get good at it. Not only good at it, but you master it. Then, you don’t try to do it, you just do it. Rehearse it and practice it correctly, repeatedly, consistently for a long enough period of time to train your brain to do it reliably.

Then it becomes habit! This is how you evolve. Knowing, but not doing, is really not knowing. Please understand IT begins with understanding what you learn, so you can apply it correctly. It means becoming aware of what you don’t know and what you do know.

Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life 

Become willing to be open and make corrections along the way. If you’re willing to do these things, you can more easily and swiftly transform yourself and your circumstances. It means you’re able to make the changes you intend to make to begin getting the results you desire. It’s not enough to ‘know it’, you must actually know it and understand it so you can do it. Then. everything changes. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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